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lil  ·  3826 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, What Are Some Of Your Personal (Dating) Relationship Guidelines/Rules?

    I cut back on texts when I'm sending multiples with no reply or when it seems I'm being ignored on multiple occasions...or, yeah, when I feel like I'm hitting them up first all the time. Can't I expect some effort from a guy?
Yes, and you will get the effort from a guy when you say to them, "oh, by the way, I don't randomly text. I'll text to confirm a meetup, that's all. You want effort? Stop doing all the work in the relationship.

I avoided all that wondering by just having the policy not to phone guys - phone being the equivalent to texting back in the earlier technology. Sure phoning is different from texting, but who needs the wondering. I just said, early on, I don't phone men, meaning guys that I was seeing casually or had just met or something might have sparked at some point. It totally worked for me. I almost wish I was dating again. -- oh god no. I suspect people get married so they don't have to date any more.

just kidding.
