So TOK is really gonna be cool dependent on who you've got as a teacher. Mine was sweet, so it was really good for me and my writing, as well as how I approach debate and discussion. It essentially teaches about epistomology. The Extended Essay...hmm...well when I did it, you pick a topic, and then get assigned a teacher that can advise you during the process. I cranked it out when I was fasting one day and decided it was either write this, or die of starvation and pain. I would say pick a topic that you're really good with. I did one on philosophy, and I'd never written a philosophy paper in my life. And while I did well, I could have done much better if I focused on something I was knowledgeable about already. CAS is pretty awesome. People in my class saw it as a chore, but it caused me to do community service as a regular thing, not just to fill a quota. There are three categories that the service can be based on: Creative, Action, and Service. And I believe you need 25 of each, for a total of 75 per year. My favorite thing we did was a 24 hour gaming marathon for our local Hospital. We streamed it and everything. Good times. And we made some money too! Just do service for causes you believe strongly about and the hours will go like that. I gotta watch The Road for a class leave any more questions you've got and I'll definitely get to them! And welcome to Hubski!