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thenewgreen  ·  3838 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: There Is No Voter Fraud To Speak Of!

    The Pubs care about those folks too buddy, it is not the exclusive of the Dems
-Show me where I said otherwise.

    To say the Pubs don't care is a false, overused, "talking point" in itself.
-I'm saying neither side cares. Period. They care about holding on to their positions long enough to leverage those positions for financial gain.

As for education, I didn't mean that we need to educate the electorate in the sense that they need to be better informed about politics. I mean that we need to better educate our children from birth so that they become high functioning and informed humans -whether they vote or not. -- HOW IS IT SO DAMN HARD TO IMPROVE EDUCATION IN THE US -ESPECIALLY IN INNER-CITIES? -It is literally shameful. It's all theater and I find it hard to believe that anyone could feel such a strong allegiance to either party.