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thenewgreen  ·  3735 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Beatlemaniacs, Beliebers, Directioners — why do they scream?

We had friends staying with us this weekend. They're great and I really enjoyed spending time with them but there are certain things that they value that I find puzzling, celebrity is one of them. We sat around talking late saturday night about the famous people we've all met. I couldn't think of many, but not because I haven't met many celebrities/actors/athletes/musicians, but because I just don't care that much.

Our conversation got me thinking about why it is people get so excited to meet a celebrity or get an autograph/photo with someone that is famous? I think it's the same reason that people like diamonds.... they're rare and they're often beautiful. My friend pointed out that celebrities are also equalizers, in the sense that you can be at a party and say you met Julia Roberts and everybody there will know exactly who you are talking about.

Like you, I've never had the "swooning" reaction at a concert. I have been moved to applaud loudly and yell etc. but no swooning. Imagine being the Beatles and being at the center of this: