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thenewgreen  ·  3728 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, how did you survive high school?

    Hold deep and strong in the very deepest wells of your soul the incontrovertible fact that none of these people will matter the slightest to you, have any impact on your future, hold any sway over your fortune, or any input into your destiny.
-Unless you let them. I've noticed that in the FB culture that we are in, many people still allow their feelings from HS, the hierarchy that dominated daily life to continue on in to adulthood. Its crazy, but it happens.

That said, you are 100% correct in everything you write here. It's really good advice.

    It all seems more important than it actually is
-Man, this is so spot on. You think you're the most anything when you are in HS. I'm the most in love, sad, happy, talented, all-knowing, spiritual, in touch, inquisitive, talented that I'll EVER be. Nope -- the good things can get even better and the bad things can diminish, given time.

Great advice though KB.