A friend and I had a conversation a while back that began with him asking me, "Do you love to quit too?" to which I answered, "Yes!" Now, I've mentioned my struggle with getting a steady job since moving back to the U.S. but freely quitting various jobs over the years has helped me to understand that I don't have to BE my job and that work is just a paycheck. If my work happens to align with my values, then I am of course much happier, but too often people are told to make their passion their job, which is good advice in general but it does seem to give a whole lot of people the sense that there is a Perfect Job for them out there that will fulfill their every want and soothe all their worries. People change, as do their priorities and values and part of finding a way to be happy (seems to me) is by having a varied career. But, y'know . . . figuring out how to do that is a challenge.