Pubski is an experiment in an undefined communal space. Whether it should recur daily, weekly, or on some other schedule, I am not sure. But if you have some random thoughts that you would like to express, or have some specific to say that you'd rather not frame in a post, Pubski may be the place.
Well. I put my two weeks notice in on Monday. So there's that. What am I going to do? Whatever THE FUCK I WANT! I'll make a separate post soon with all my thoughts and learning experiences and stuff. I'm in crunch time to get this company to an okay place without me.
- a tumor - nasty rumors - the want and need to do more - with that car; she's a fumer - I wish I only knew more - instead I have to poo more - but there's a line, even a queue! more - people than even I can stand it makes me want to sue more! - but now you see I'm out of letters and I can barely view more so although I'd like to give you more it's back into the zoo more
KB In Da House, Da Master Consumer yo yo does rappity things eightbitsamurai - sorry about my abysmal display of rap ignorance
Dammit veen, I'll kick you in your spleen I'm rhymin some things, Y'all be like "how do ya mean?" Cause my rhymes so hard and my beats so slick I got that quarian status, which means I am sick That's a Mass Effect verse, play it you dick Wanna watch the Walking Dead but I fucking hate Rick. This is shit.
nah, boulder doesn't suck because nobody there is into hiphop. I can remedy that with /r/hiphopheads. boulder sucks because the students there are mostly assholes. Can't remedy being an asshole. Or it's really difficult to do, at the very least. Plus, Hubski is infinitely more diverse than Boulder ever will be. Perhaps not in terms of race, but at least not every single person here has the exact same experience of growing up and being spoon-fed everything you've been given, not really knowing anything outside of what's important about you.
Yes. I'm going to do Australia for a month. See you at octoberfest after?
I was thinkin more like next octoberfest, but in the spirit of the thing, sure. I'll be the bum in the hubwheel shirt with no plans and even less prospects. Movie titles spring to mind, Lost in Leipzig, Lonesome in Leipzig, Bereft in Berlin, Alone in Cologne, Homeless in Hamburg, Badass in Baden Baden...
Yeah. Suddenly I am in a much better state both mentally and physically. Even though I still had 10 more days of work (+Saturday for the build / packout / qc), it's all okay now! There's a light at the end of the tunnel! I think the most mentally draining thing - beyond the thought that I would have to wake up and come in here and do this work every day for an indeterminate amount of time - is that I was terrified that I was losing my passion of what I do. It turns out I'm just not passionate about how this company handles things.
A friend and I had a conversation a while back that began with him asking me, "Do you love to quit too?" to which I answered, "Yes!" Now, I've mentioned my struggle with getting a steady job since moving back to the U.S. but freely quitting various jobs over the years has helped me to understand that I don't have to BE my job and that work is just a paycheck. If my work happens to align with my values, then I am of course much happier, but too often people are told to make their passion their job, which is good advice in general but it does seem to give a whole lot of people the sense that there is a Perfect Job for them out there that will fulfill their every want and soothe all their worries. People change, as do their priorities and values and part of finding a way to be happy (seems to me) is by having a varied career. But, y'know . . . figuring out how to do that is a challenge.
We talked a bit about this in Boston. I've worked numerous jobs that I don't love (or even like) and I never had a problem with it. However, with more creative things, I found it much harder to separate myself from my work. When you work your ass off to solve problems and come up with creative solutions and design and redesign and code and re-code and fix bugs and start from scratch, it's hard to separate yourself. Throughout the process, my mind is consistently working in the background trying to figure out how to solve the problem - whether it's coming up with the initial idea or a particularly stubborn bug. With creation, it's rare that you can force a solution. It's best to think on it without consciously thinking about it. I've come up with so many solutions, or half solutions, or new approaches, or whatever at a bar or in the shower.
Yeah, well . . . this why lots of teachers drink. I'm not saying that it's easy to leave work behind, especially when one cares about what one does. What I am saying is that leaving work in the workplace is something that has taken me a long time to learn and I'm still learning that sometimes I need to let things, places and sometimes even people behind because my emotional attachment gets in the way of being happy or moving toward something else. My example was more like . . . "sometimes coloring outside the lines can help to understand how better to color within them" . . . or something. Other friends assure me that once in my 30s, I'll have enough life experience to better know who I am and what I want. We'll see. Hope it's not too much tribulation for you to figure out what's next!
Work on the redesign of a website that I've been terms of "this is the scope of the project, here's what we're looking for each page, here's some concept art, and here's a deadline". But really, that's some news. Good luck with finishing up your job and with your future. Looking forward to seeing that follow up post!
I'm not working with Nike, I'm working with a ad company/production company that I've done lots of work with. This one was a blue-flame hurry, though - got my first print at 6am, did my final delivery at midnight. Market is UK soccer hooligans. Production company also did this:
Gotcha. So yeah. Here's what you need to do: 1) Buy a Kyma. 2) Fuck around with it and do crazy shit. 3) Network on the Kyma list. Look at the Kyma job postings. 4) Leverage the fact that you have a Kyma into work. Yeah, people punk around with Camelcrusher and Max and shit, but the true die-hards who want to get shit done but are willing to make it a little crazy all roll Kyma. That's Tobias in 2002.
Look for a Capybara 320 on eBay. They typically go ~$2200 or so. You can do just about anything with a 2-card Capybara that you can do with a Paca and a Pacarana is only slightly hotter than a 10-card 320. A 320 also has audio, MIDI, VITC and AES, up to 8x8. It's basically realtime, hardware-accelerated MAX. The environment is confusing as fuck but you can literally tear a corner of the universe loose, twist it in a pretzel and glue it back down again.
There's no better way to put it, unfortunately - sound is math but with most processors and effects plug-ins there are only so many transformations you can do to it in real time. Kyma basically allows you to go "okay - I want to turn this thing into that thing, by doing this, this, that, the other and the other to it." Then you compile it and it does it with nanosecond latency. The problem being you have to know math and sound and programming in order to do it effectively. The other problem being that once you've learned how to do it, you kind of leave the rest of the universe behind and end up in your own weird little corner. It's kind of like acid - use it too much and you can no longer relate to reality. Kyma users are largely lost on the other side of the wormhole. The act of ungluing and folding the universe can be extremely hazardous to your musical sensibilities.
Well, Pd is basically Max Part II. Max was written in France for rendering back in the '80s. Kyma was written at Urbana for performance back in the '80s. So basically Pd is like Kyma without the hardware to make it useful.
I just want to say that my wife told me we should get flood insurance three days ago. Two days ago a man in a kiyak rowed down our street and halfway up my driveway. I do not live in Venice. My neighbor's washing machine was floating. Other neighbor had water up to their knees. My car flooded up to the trunk before I got to it and managed to get it up the driveway (how the engine hadn't flooded is beyond me...I was ankle deep on water in my car). All in all we got pretty lucky. Everything that was destroyed was stuff I am just as glad to see gone, and there's no structural damage or drywall down there. Don't think we'll even have anything to claim. We fared much better than most on out street, and definitely better than our Brother-in-law's friend. Fun stuff! :)
This is interesting for me to read. Typically, flood insurance is regulated by the bank you got your mortgage from. They are required to determine if you live in a flood hazard zone and, if you do, must mandate that you carry flood insurance up to at least the value of our mortgage. I assume this may not cover possessions and may only be required to cover the bank's end - not yours - and so either you do not live in a designated flood hazard zone (determined by an entity separate from the bank; forget who at the moment though) or it doesn't cover possessions. Regardless I assume this is a pretty stressful time for you and I hope you weather it well!
Ha. We live in an area that is absolutely not in a flood zone or anything close to it. It was a freak weather event. The kind that don't happen in 80 years or so, but will probably start happening more often since weather is getting more extreme. It's only mildly stressful though :) I feel bad for the boatloads of people who got absolutely savaged by this. I haven't talked to a single person in the area that has flood insurance.
I keep thinking about this day last summer when I started to question why people stay inside their homes. I made a commitment to myself to only go inside for sleep and food. I started imagining entire suburban neighborhoods where every family spent their evenings and weekends in their backyard, and all conversations were in muffled earshot through the fences. I got really excited about this "epiphany", but went inside when the mosquitoes came out.
It works when your neighbors are awesome. When they're lame, though, it all goes pear-shaped. Then you start imagining a yard so big that you don't have to listen to your neighbors and before too long everyone is living in a McMansion an hour drive from their jobs.
I've thought about that before, too. A couple years back I was considering what my life might look like once I'm on my own, and I realized that there were few reasons I couldn't own an apartment solely for the purpose of eating and sleeping. It'd be a lot cheaper in terms of material possessions, too, but in the time since I've started playing drums, which are harder to take around everywhere with you, and being on the Internet a lot more, which let's face it, is more pleasant on a desktop. I don't know, maybe if I found a practice space with drums and got a nice laptop it could still work out. Public spaces!
My coworkers thought I was 22 and this was my first job out of college and I'm trying not to be insulted. I'm also considering how my boss told me I wasn't working hard enough, but how she is now moving to a non-management position and the consensus is that management positions at our company require one to be a workaholic. So now I am considering confronting her about how she essentially said I wasn't working hard enough while at the same time, essentially, admitting that the work required for her position (less than two skips and a jump from mine) is too much for her to handle. I might bring it up to her; she won't be my manager after sept 1, after all. Why not ask her why she thinks I should commit more when she is aware that her own commitment proved too burdensome to happily sustain her level of - what's a good word for it? Ah... Life. Edit: also, the whole premise of house episode 4 is stupid. 2 babies are dying of 2 possible infections. House prescribes both 2 antibiotics. Both babies begin to experience liver failure, which could be caused by either antibiotic. House does the smart thing, what I would do, which is suggest they take each baby off a different antibiotic. Everyone is horrified! House is experimenting on babies! But see the thing is: house takes both babies off the same antibiotic. 50/50 chance he is right. Either 2 babies die or 2 live. OR, house takes each baby off a different antibiotic. NO MATTER WHAT, at least one baby lives. We have a 50% survival rating instead of 0% or 100%. in addition this method might allow house to save the other baby instead of approaching this whole situation blind. WHY IS EVERYONE ELSE SO STUPID AND SHOCKED. HOUSE IS SOLOMON EXCEPT HERE ITS THE RIGHT CHOICE TO SPLIT THE BABY. UGGGGGHHHHH
Because absolutely no good will come of it. You're basically debating whether or not you should say "so you're aware you're a hypocrite, right?" She's aware. Rubbing her nose in it will earn you zero friends.I might bring it up to her; she won't be my manager after sept 1, after all. Why not ask her why she thinks I should commit more
NO. You have no idea how this person's life will interact with yours in the future. You have no idea WHO THIS PERSON WILL GOSSIP TO about you. Maybe one of her friends will be the HR manager next year that you need to get hired? Or your new boss? Or any of a million scenarios we can come up with. Part of being an adult is learning to deal with the crap of the earth and to stop taking petty sleights seriously. Build your character so that when people talk about you, they talk about your work ethic, your honor and your honesty. As someone who has works with all of the good and bad of humanity, trust me other people know about this woman and what she is like. Don't sink to her level. Be a better person... others WILL notice. It is hard as hell, it is unfair at times, but it works out better for you over the long term.So now I am considering confronting her about how she essentially said I wasn't working hard enough while at the same time, essentially, admitting that the work required for her position (less than two skips and a jump from mine) is too much for her to handle.
Thanks for the advice. I was totally unaware of the ramifications of this potential action and was also completely seriously considering undertaking it. Your insight into this situation, without knowing these people or my relationships with them, is completely invaluable and at least 90% accurate. ___________________________________________ For the record, my boss is not my enemy, although we have some idealogical conflict. She's also not a bad person just because she happens to be a hypocrite. She's a hypocrite because she a) wants me to do the best work I can do and b) can't manage to have a happy family life with her current workload and values her family above her job. Is that really so bad? Does that somehow immediately imply that she is a negative person, someone whose level I would not want to stoop to, prone to workplace gossip and deliberately making my life harder?
I had a suspicion that this might have been venting. People forget how small the world is, so maybe someone else reading that will take pause if they are planning a similar action. I did not realize that came off as adversarial; no offense was intended, and any taken I apologize for.
It's okay, I've edited this like three times now, and I think you're responding to something I've edited out by this point too. I took out the adversarial bits. Your intentions were good. I would make the same choice my boss is making in her situation - I just wouldn't be giving me the advice she is.
I like francopoli's response and I'm just going to add a couple things. No matter how incompetent, stupid, ignorant, enraging, "she's-not-even-trying!" someone comes off as, try to remember you don't know everything about their situation. I think there's a quote, "Be kind...for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about." Besides ramifications, you might end up being the ignorant one. Don't burn bridges, etc. I've burned one bridge and I got purely lucky that he was truly a hack and incompetent and a lot of people saw it. But I still regret the way I handled the situation - even though there are no ramifications or anything that have put me in a situation where I should regret it. I work with a couple people who sort of know him or have done work with him and I wonder if their perception of me is in any way skewed by that incident, whether they know anything, etc. thenewgreen told me when (I was talking to him about putting my two weeks notice in) to be as nice and kind and perfect as possible because it's never worth saying what I truly feel. He also told me to write a letter of resignation for my boss(es) and to my coworkers letting them know how amazing they are and how much I value them and everything. Both were excellent pieces of advice. The satisfaction I could have gotten for a short moment of revenge and freely speaking my mind is nothing. It's petty. It's not worth it. In the way I handled my resignation, I've found myself so much more deeply satisfied by being the bigger person and handling it in the best way I possibly could. I wasn't expecting that. I look in the mirror and go "damn girl, you've grown up!" and there's a real power to that. Plus, I know if the world ends tomorrow, I'm still in a position where I could probably get my job back if I truly needed it. You never know what shit life will fling at you. My father was 24 when he quit his first job, under strangely similar circumstances as me currently (grammar fail). He had a bit more of an ego than me (for a good reason) and handled it very differently than I did though. Three weeks later, his dad had a stroke and my dad suddenly didn't have 4 months rent saved or the ability to find and start a new job while taking care of his dad. He put his ego aside and went crawling back to his supervisor. His supervisor laughed in his face and had him escorted out of the building. Ouch.
I am deeply saddened by the recent event of Robin Williams death. It has inevitably sparked much discussion about mental health and taking care of ourselves and one another. This isn't a bad thing - but I find myself getting really frustrated at some of the things that my friends and colleagues post on Facebook. One of them recently posted a small, but touching tribute to Williams legacy on her wall. We all care when someone famous and charming suffers. But this same colleague of mine, not just two weeks ago, told me a story about how her friend was pretending to have a mental illness just so she could leech off the system and not work. This colleague was so sure she was faking it. This angers me. In my case, my mental illness doesn't just walk up to you and tell you it's here. When I suffered with suicidal thoughts, almost no one in my life knew because I was too afraid people wouldn't believe me, or that people would tell me to get over it. It's great that you care about Robin Williams, but if you really care about mental illness, start looking at how you can treat those around you differently. You may have to start believing people when they tell you they are suffering.
You guys, I am so freaking excited for the next few weeks. Tomorrow I leave for my trip around the Northeast, going to tons of cool places and visiting my top 2 colleges (+ meetings with the directors of both honors departments, so cool), and then after that I come home to build a freaking TARDIS at my church (the sound guy and I are both Whovians, and we got permission to put said full-size TARDIS in the youth room). Once that's done, I have my first lesson with my new drum teacher, who's also a professor of jazz studies at a large university, and then school's back in, which I'm really looking forward to. This is gonna be awesome.
In the UK, AS results day is tomorrow. Your thread about college had a lot of people talking about switching majors, but in the UK you 'declare your major' as a part of the application process. Therefore tomorrow defines, to some extent, where I can apply and what for. Fun times!You guys, I am so freaking excited for the next few weeks. Tomorrow I leave for my trip around the Northeast, going to tons of cool places and visiting my top 2 colleges (+ meetings with the directors of both honors departments, so cool),
I'm in day four of Lead Orientation Training, and have met a ton of amazing people that are all overachievers. It's been a lot of fun and I'm starting to feel comfortable about the fact that OAs start tomorrow. Still nervous about managing 18 people with my co though. It'll be an interesting next week and a half for sure.
I'm 40 minutes away from my last summer class, 2 hours away from my actual summer break (Even though it will only last 2 weeks) and 24 hours away from leaving for beautiful Traverse City Michigan for 4 days of awesome with my girl. It's a good feeling.
Well, if you consider that you are mostly empty space, defined by the valence geometry of electron clouds, you are much more window than door. Since neutrinos can't see those clouds, it would be difficult to convince any of them that you were a thing at all.
I got back from camp on Friday. I officially have about two weeks left before school starts back up.
I have started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation because I've never seen more than one or two episodes. As a Star Wars guy, I've got to say that I don't understand the rivalry, but it's a pretty decent show so far. Also, I am seriously concerned about my soon-to-be roomie's social skills and I am beginning to understand why our other friend (with whom my roomie lives now) has made certain comments over the years.
ST:TNG episode "The Inner Light" is one of my favourite pieces of tv, ever. Enjoy.
Another great one is Data's trial, that's pretty early on as I recall. The one where he's required to defend his personhood; some great commentary on what it is to be 'human'.
As a kid I didn't "get" Data at all or the subtexts throughout, but it's definitely got me hooked for the moment. I still haven't seen the original Star Trek (very much of it, anyway) and I know there are a bunch of other series. Any idea on how I should approach them (or should I)?
You can make it. It may not be pleasant and you may find yourself spending less time at home than usual if things get bad, but you can make it. If you haven't lived with roommates in a while I advise you to address conflicts non-passionately but with immediacy. If you have, then you know what you're doing and you'll be fine.
I wish I had a good story! The dude is nice enough, he just... gives me teh heebie jeebies. He walks around super quietly all the time and has a strange gait, and these super dead eyes and smile that make it hard for me to look at him. Like... he's not smiling, it's a totally neutral expression, but his lips naturally curl just slightly. he also has the most unsettling voice I've ever heard. It's deeper than it should be for how he looks, but it isn't a deep voice, and for some reason, it's extremely soothing, but in a way that my brain doesn't take it as a relaxing sound, it immediately tells me "FUCKING RUN."
but also mysteries can cause some weird rumours and misidentification. For example, I was just accused of being Technoviking's hubski alias.
First, there was an impromptu therapy session and I missed it? Boo. Second, I too have been accused of - or rather, asked, it was more personable than yours, though at least you were shouted-out - if I was also various other users. Third, I have wondered if other hubski users are also other hubski users. And fourth, for a person who once proposed that we play an IRC game with wasoxygen called "find the real lil" or "correctly identify the hubski user," it can't be that surprising, no?
Second: I think galen was just trying to get back at me for telling him to be nicer to his mom. I'm not sure what am_Unition was up too. Fourth: I thought was's game was a kind of Turing test as in, is this refugee or a robot? First: re therapy session, I was referring to the IRC meetup a week ago Monday. We started with tng's theme of are you the best person you can be, and took off from there. Good participation from ButterflyEffect, was, am, and galen, and thundara. IRC threw me off for an hour or two just as mk and tng popped in. Even kb dropped by. We should do it again. Can you suggest a theme? Third - multiple identities are entirely possible, but not that interesting to me at all. What is interesting to me is that which seems most authentic. That's why f-2-f meet-ups and pictures are interesting. Identities are verifiable. Your pics of you and noway, for example and the recent pics of eightbitsamurai in Nebraska and rezzeJ's trip to Canada. Both seemed consistent with their online identities also seeing veen with mk and b_b ... When people seem like who they present themselves to be, it is easier to trust and feel safe.
General mischief-making. I smudged the "U", managed to look fat, and I need to shave, but here's a vacuum chamber with a duckface. Unique identity proven.I'm not sure what am_Unition was up to.
Ah, okay. It was a crime of opportunity. As for was' game I thought it was more a "Can we tell two different users apart by how they type/chat" but since we never did it - I cannot be sure! I thought it was similar to the "two lies and a truth" kind of game. I definitely interpreted it as about differentiating people, not people vs. robots. As for IRC, I am loath to suggest a theme as I am unable to guarantee attendance, and it would feel wrong to influence or in a way inspire an event if I knew I couldn't be sure I'd be there for it. Multiple identities do not interest me either. When asked if I was another user I pointed out that I would just be bluntly honest about myself as opposed to hide indiscretions or habits behind another wall. I try hard to be bluntly honest about myself and my failings, both here and in meatspace. Although it is interesting to consider that pictoral representations of users could give one an accurate insight into whether their voices online feel "authentic" - so I type like a young adult white attractive female? What happens when someone doesn't type the way that their appearance suggests they might?
Haha, that's certainly a possibility, though I can't quantify it like I can reading my comments back to front here. I've shown more conviction on my opinions and ideals, and I think Hubski has had a hand in that because of the discussion here.