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hubskier for: 5218 days
It's tough because in the transition from web 1 to web 2 our public spaces shifted from protocols to companies. Email is a protocol, but so is a sidewalk. I have sympathy for your view (shared it to some degree) but I'm becoming increasingly reticent to gatekeep our company-owned digital sidewalks until we figure out how to build them as protocols first.
We call them models. Have to make sure to use different words for them.
Lil I'm sending my best to you. What an ordeal... I'm glad that the results were good, but wish you don't have to go through that :(
"Funnier" implies some amount of humor imo, but I'll let you take it back ;)
I didn't opine on what's "derogatory" or not, but for my part, have a high tolerance for "derogatory" jokes of all types (especially when they are not the point of the bit), including those against my background, which I remember my father scolding me for laughing at as a kid. Imo Dave was profoundly humanizing to trans people in that special and you don't have to be trans or not trans to see it (or disagree with that). Also, not only do I not defend transphobia, I'm against it. Also I don't find white Supremicists tweeting about how they hate other cultures funny like you do. That's just me tho.
I watched it before I was aware there was a controversy and came away with the exact opposite take, and actually found his bit to be more moral than the vast majority of comedy I’ve ever consumed.Critics inside and outside the company have said that Mr. Chappelle’s show, “The Closer,” promotes bigotry against transgender people.
Ah shoot Im driving atm!
Ah shoot Im driving atm!
"The Scorpion's rollcage is more angled than I wanted, however, so using a vice and a heatgun, I brought the angle more vertical" Why did you want it less angled? Any functional reason or just cause it looks cooler and more bratty?
I'm really feeling this pairing.
Update: I found the vinyl recording of this Nico album in a record stores bin for almost nothing not to long ago. I don't know how rare the record it but I consider it a massive score.
I was listening to Sister before it was cool. Going a little mainstream for me now but u guys should def check it out. Srsly tho she wrote this on the spot. It really was a great concert :)
Haha not really just thought this was a fascinating read psychologically. Particularly fascinating is just how dismissive he is of the causes of, and factions in the war that did that to them. They seem to melt away in importance compared to the outcomes they produced. You might need to add booze and smokes to your stockpile tho lol ;)