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thenewgreen · 4737 days ago · link · · parent · post: There are no bad children, just good and bad behaviors --really?
Makes sense to me. My daughter is at an interesting age though, she's 14 months. She can't communicate exactly what she wants, which frustrates her. She started throwing little "fits" throwing her head back and fake crying. Instead of caving to her whims, I have been setting her down in a chair or on the couch and saying "calm down" or "it's okay" in a soothing voice. When she is calm again I pick her up, give her affection and move on to an activity to keep her busy. It seems to be working.
I talk with her all the time and explain things to her. Today we were outside going from tree to tree feeling the bark and I was explaining "texture" to her. She only knows about 20-30 words but still I know she learns when I do it. She is seriously brilliant. I'm having a blast. I will always explain why what she did was either good or not good. I think its important that they know why they are being praised as much as why they aren't. Thanks for the response, I appreciate all the advice.