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_refugee_  ·  3556 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Do You Know You're Really in Love?


One of the few things I can say for a fact about love is that I tell people I'm in it way before I actually am.

Or do I?

It sounds depressing, to be like, "Yeah, so, all I know for sure is that I say I'm in love way before I could know I am in love, and if I had to look back and reflect, I definitely tell people I'm in love when you know what? I probably wasn't."

What does it really matter though, if maybe sometimes I'm in love with someone for a minute or an hour and that's it? If sometimes I'm in love with them, and later, sometimes I'm not? What does it matter, to look back and say, later, "Oh, I said I was in love, but I definitely wasn't," except maybe to feel better about the situation?

You should never feel like, because of another person, you have a reason to live. I completely agree, 8bit.

But I'll tell you what (and Hubski please don't get on my back and jump on this post for what I'm about to say), sometimes, I have days where I'm driving around, or I've finished work, or I've just walked into the house, and I think, "You know what, I wouldn't mind if today, I died." I don't wish I was dead, it's not suicidal. It's just a kind of apathy - like, if I died today, that would be all right. (To add, and speak generally: Hubski, I'm generally pretty pro-death. Like, we get one life, and one shot, and that's it, and that's a good thing, and I find these concepts comforting, not depressing. I realize not everyone agrees with me on this, I realize it may even be pretty odd, I'm okay with that, too.)

When I am pursuing a good relationship with someone I care about deeply, I am more likely to think, "You know what, today, I'd prefer not to die."

A concert could have the same impact. A poem about to come out, book plans in the work, whatever. It's not that that person gives me something to live for, but rather they give me an experience I'd prefer to live to see out. To see how it goes.

Love, I guess, is one of many many things that can give life excitement and more importantly hope.