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thenewgreen  ·  3444 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The social aggregator is a terrible business model.

We don't have any set in stone answers to your questions. You can rest assured that we are approaching this first and foremost as users of Hubski ourselves. We need your help on this one, hence the post. Therefore, let me pose these questions to you :

1. Where on the site do you think it should be?

2. How simple should it be? Should it be a monthly donation? A one time lump donation? An option for either or?

3. What if there was a small identifier in someone's profile showing they had donated? Is that something people would like? Not like? Should we have an option to have that on or off?

4. Should there be an incentive to donate? Stickers? At a certain level a T-shirt? Should there be advanced functions that currently don't exist?

I'd love to hear from you guys regarding your own questions and more.

Also, I think the Hubski post from today ties in nicely.

Hubski will NEVER treat you or your data like a product. The other night on our call mk referred to Hubski as an "art project" -we all agreed, this is how we as a team think of Hubski.