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thenewgreen  ·  3419 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hmm bacon!

    which of the following two interpretations do you think organicAnt most likely intended?

3. This will be shocking enough to grab people's attention.

As for your other questions, which all essentially dance around a single question, "what was your intention?" It was thus:

There is a real debate worth having here and it's worth having accurately. Without hyperbole. That was my intention.

Coincidently, I've spent the day having fantastic discussions with people about the definitions of suffering and sentience. Those discussions didn't start with a photo of a severed pigs head to discuss bacon. They started with adult conversations about death, food, animal rights and our options as consumers at the top of our food chain.

My post of the infographic didnt "shit" on anything. It was factual. Period. It lead to a dialog between cgod and OA that nearly earned badges for each from me. Had I not made that comment, this would be the pigs head post that did nothing to spur any conversation about animal rights but just seemed, well.... Dumb. I don't think that animal rights are dumb. That post was though and I did what I could to correct that.

I will say this, I'm on a rare vacation, but I didn't want you to think I was avoiding your comment. Forgive me if I didn't reply to all your points. I didn't follow the links either. No time. Sorry. I shall attempt to revisit when back home.