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user-inactivated  ·  3392 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Gamers: what games have you been playing recently, and what do you think of them?

So I've got a few games I've been really leaning into since I finally built my gaming rig.

First: Titanfall Wonderful gameplay, super unrealistic FPS. Best way to describe it would be like Mirror's Edge mixed with FPS and throw in some Mech Warrior for some extra flavor. Super fun to play for hours because though it can be hard to play an FPS with heavy Parkour elements it all melds together eventually and you can use the parkour to get out of situations that would have killed ~90% of players in other FPS games.

Second: CS:GO I love it. It's intense when I want it to be, it's casual when I don't. It's easier for me to pick up and play a match or two and be able to leave feeling satisfied despite rounds lasting less than 3 minutes in CS:GO than other games. (Maybe because of the way the matches are divided into separate rounds, and each round can be vastly different skillwise from the next, at least for me)

Third: Arma III I love the sim aspect of this. I've only played a couple of hours with my cousin because I have a rigorous work schedule and I don't have hours at a time to play very often, but I'm determined to play a good long 3-5 hour game sometime this week if anyone is interested! ;) Plus I've got loads of other games that I want to play, but I have too many and not enough time to play all of them.

And all the games that I want but can't afford right now...

(PSST I'm up for playing any of these games, or any others with anyone. I really only play with two people, but I want more people to play with!)