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thenewgreen  ·  3469 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is your favorite national/state park? Why should I go there?

    These two parks together were designed as the first international peace park.
I didn't realize that, thanks. I spent a lot of time in Glacier. I went to the University of Montana in Missoula. I once went on a trip to Glacier with my then girlfriend. We camped beside Lake MacDonald. We went on a day hike and I decided, like an idiot, to wear my Teva sandals. While walking the trail a deer stepped out in front of us. It was about 4 feet away, I could almost touch it. It led us down the trail for about a quarter mile almost within arms reach the entire time. It was magical. Then, it jumped off the trail down in to a cleaning. There were about 20 other deer down in the clearing. I decided to go off the trail and follow. I was sure the deer was inviting us...

Long story short, I stepped on a rotted out log and my leg fell through. I severely sprained my ankle and a shard from the log shoved up in to my foot like shrapnel. I was bleeding everywhere and I couldn't walk. My girlfriend weighed 110 pounds soaking wet. I weighed 180. She couldn't help me walk, I was too heavy. She had to go get help. Two guys helped me down.

I was the first ever patient at the newly built Glacier National Park Emergency Medical Center. -It was basically one room. There was a PA there that stitched me up. Prior to the stitches he asked my girlfriend what she was studying. She said "biology" and that she wanted to be a doctor.

He said, "oh, then come over here, I'll let you observe. If you look right here..." (he pointed to my exposed ligaments)

BAM! My girlfriend fainted and hit her head on the ground.

She was the 2nd patient ever at Glacier National Parks new ER center.

She changed her major.