I would like to start out by saying that I have no problem with transgender peoples and I do think that it takes a lot to do something like this especially as a famous person. While I don't agree with this guys take on masculinity as an empire and half of the other points he makes (aside from the fact that politically correct is out of control and I still don't agree with all of what he has to say about that) I do agree that a veteran deserves the award more than someone who chose have surgery to make them self more comfortable. No surprise everyone jumped on board with the masses on this one. Everyone is automatically a bigot for anything that takes away from one minority group to give to another person even if it is more deserving. Putting your life on the line for your country is so far above having an elective surgery to change your sex when we all knew the media was going to applaud her for doing it because we are all about tolerance now which is all good and well. But it doesn't deserve an award. As a matter of fact, the only reason Caitlin Jenner received the award is because she is famous. There are thousands of people who have done the same thing and received much less support than she did and is. I know it's a big step in transgendered being accepted but you don't give someone an award to progress a movement. You give someone an award for doing something great. You certainly don't do it for a media sensation which is what this is. Again I'm sure people are going to hate on this simply because it's a transgender issue. Go ahead. The point of forums like this is to learn and express different viewpoints. Bigots fighting bigotry may now commence their hate.