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thenewgreen  ·  3446 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: So what you're saying is...

    I'm curious if it's a challenge of its own when you're playing someone who can play.
It's so much more rewarding and in no way is it "manipulation." Selling isn't a "trick" and the best buyers know this. They see the salesperson/buyer relationship as a symbiotic one. The buyer needs the consultation of the salesperson and is willing to pay a premium for it.

When you are talking with anyone in any situation, whether it be personal or professional it's important to maintain your authenticity. Never be something or someone that you are not. Don't compromise your integrity, ever.

Everyone has different personality styles and everyone has different motivating factors (to a degree) that help inform their decisions. It's important in sales to conform to someone's personality style without compromising your own. If you can do this, you will be successful. If you go too far, you come off as cheesy and disingenuous and you will not be successful and you'll feel like a charlatan and will hate your job.

But trust is built out of knowledge. If someone feels comfortable with you (you've met them half way via their personality style) and you are able to show knowledge of their industry, they will buy from you. It doesn't matter if you're selling to Dave Ramsey or some brand new buyer.

I've always been able to quickly establish an atmosphere of trust, even at the beginning of my career. It was later that I learned how to leverage that trust and forge long lasting business partnerships.

But I love talking with someone that "get's it." It's easier and I tend to learn a lot.


    Tng, keep these posts up cause they're awesome
-Thank you. That means a lot to me. I can't tell if these are lame or helpful :)