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steve · 4670 days ago · link · · parent · post: ASK HUBSKI: Where did you go to College? Would you Recommend it to others?
Missoula has a pretty special place in my heart. I was there for about 11 months. I did a lot of growing up there. I learned a lot about myself, others, and the world. It truly is a great little town. I have considered moving there on a few occasions. Generally great people, great surrounding wilderness, and a good vibe in town. And any town that has an intersection renamed "Malfunction Junction" is pretty ok in my book.
University of Montana seemed like a great school. Just the right mix of a decent football program and hippies. Ok... pretty high hippie to non-hippie ratio, but I learned to play hacky sack like a mofo. (did you catch that pun? I'll be here all night).