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thenewgreen  ·  3384 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dying alone in New York City

I was in Chicago over the weekend and I walked past a homeless man panhandling on one of the bridges. He had a blanket pulled up over his head, a bucket for change in front of him and a a giant gaping wound on his leg, this size of a football. It looked like someone took a a blade and sliced a piece of meat out of him the size of a kids football. I have never been so acutely aware of us being made of meat.

Had it been a dog on the side of the street with such a wound, nobody would just walk by. Everyone would stop and try to help it. Yet, this man sat there with this wound unattended too. I too walked on by.

What can you do in that situation?