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War  ·  3360 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Star Wars discussion thread.

If you are reading this from chatter these are Star Wars VII spoilers!!!

The way they fleshed out the force had me jumping for joy. In the previous movies all we saw were super jumps, lightning, pushing, choking, and really generic uses of the force. The way they used it in this movie added to the mystery of exactly how powerful the force really is. Kylo stops the blaster bolt in mid-air, Ren reads minds, lightsabers actually build bonds and connections with their users. It established why Jedi and Sith are a power to be reckoned with. That really blew me away honestly because they were never one to delve into the lore of Star Wars like that

The characters were all unbelievable in my eyes. The relationship between Rey and Finn was pretty great. Two people who never knew family or friendship find each other. I really liked the interactions they had in movie, and their hug on Starkiller base really seemed genuine. While deep down I don't particularly want them to be a thing I wouldn't mind it. Both actors played their parts so great for people who've never taken on a major role like that before. They were really believable and I was rooting for them the entire time. Kylo Ren is by far my favorite character though he shows us a side of the Sith that for whatever reason they never really showed in the previous movies. In the previous movies every sith is so cold and calculated, but it is know that the Sith give into passion, and strong emotion. The erratic nature of Kylo Ren really fleshed out what it means to become a Sith. His internal conflict where he actually feared the light side, and wanted nothing more than to push it out for good was really awesome.

I'm almost positive that Rey is Luke's Daughter. First her connection with the lightsaber brings her back to the hallway where luke fights vader, then shows her at the fall of Luke's attempt at creating a new Jedi Order, then before the Knights of Ren, and finally being left on Jakku in the hands of that trader she was working for in the beginning. The next piece I found interesting was Maz Kunata talks about how it was Anakins lightsaber, then Luke's, and now it calls to her. My theory is that Luke not being raised in the old ways of the jedi married and had a child. Cue Kylo Ren's destruction of the newly found Jedi Order, and Luke's wife dies. He is left with a child, who he desperately wants to protect. He goes to Jakku and leaves Rey with Unkar Plutt to protect her( the reason I believe he was sent to protect her is he tries to keep BB8 from her by offering to buy it, and then first stealing it. We know from the flashback Rey was left in his care, so I'm just making the assumption he was trying to protect her). Why does he leave her on Jakku? The same reason Obi-wan brought Luke to Tatooine (It is a near lifeless planet where the force is weak, which would mask her connection to the force). After that Luke goes into hiding partially to train new jedi, but to keep his mind free from Ren and Snoke getting their hands on the knowledge that he has a daughter (or at least a daughter that is alive). That's all I've got really. Well, I kind of have an idea who Snoke is, but that is almost completely up in the air