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tehstone  ·  3230 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Bernie Sanders Already Won

    So really, in a lot of states it comes down to "are you going to fill out this form and put a stamp on it or are you going to let Trump win?

It may be so clear cut in the general election but the primaries are not so in several states.

Washington has been vote-by-mail since before I was old enough to vote but the Democrats still hold caucuses to choose their nominees. If you want your voice to count you have to give up an entire Saturday to do so (if you're lucky enough to not work that day of course) and while there supposedly is an affidavit form to fill out if you can't attend it remains to be seen how many of those will actually be taken into consideration.

For me personally. I won't vote for Hillary if she's nominated. I'll vote third party. And fuck you if you tell me I'm throwing away my vote, you're part of the problem.