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oyster  ·  3050 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I dont know what to do with my life

If I was you I would drop out and get a job in a resort town in BC or Alberta. Not knowing what you want to do for a career is fine when you're young and even not knowing yourself very well. It sounds like you like the idea of being artistic more than you do actually creating art. I went to college for architectural technician because I'm good at that stuff and I figured it would give me the life I was told I should want. Thing is I had no idea what kind of life I actually wanted because I didn't know myself well enough to make such a huge desicion. I dropped out and moved to a tiny little resort town that I didn't even know existed before I got the job and it was the best choice I ever made. The job was terrible along with my living arrangements but I met a ton of new people. It also gave me the space I needed to breath and figure myself out. I ended up picking massage therapy after meeting the MT who worked at the same hotel and I never would have considered that had I not gone.

So ya, my advice is accept that you don't know yourself well enough to pick a career and go figure yourself out. There's a ton of different ways you could be creative in a job.

Edit- I'll add some advice I was given by a customer one day about picking a career that was probably the best advice I was ever given. He started off telling me about how he jumped between jobs a lot and couldn't really settle on one. At one point he was working on tour buses and he loved it. He loved driving around and telling the people on his bus all about the area. Naturally he thought he loved being a tour bus driver, but when the company decided to hire somebody to do the talking so he could just drive he realized that he actually loved teaching. That caused me to look back and realize that I love working with people and helping people. That is what I needed in a career to make it rewarding.