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cgod  ·  4587 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Dangers of Creationism
I'll suggest this to you. Go outside and dig in your back yard, see how many fossils you come up with. Finding fossils is hard, finding hominid fossils is harder. Scientist have found an amazing variety of fossils showing that life on planet earth has existed in amazing variety over time, but because of the rarity of fossil find the picture is necessarily incomplete.

The fossils that have been found show a picture of a world that has changed over the span of at least 3.5 million years. The first fossils are of very simple organisms and over time the creatures found become increasingly complex as multicellular life emerges. After multicellular life gets going there is an extensive record of the mix of various types of creatures changing overtime. Can you trace the divergence of anyone creature as it changes overtime perfectly? Not right now. People have only been digging up and analyzing fossils in a scientific manner for a very short period of mankind's history, but that which has been found is tells a pretty compelling story of constant change and innovation in response to the pressures of survival. I find this story much more compelling then a Deus Ex no evidence. Do you happen to recall when the God bothers told us all that the Sun revolved around the Earth? Don't drink the same cool aid twice. I certainly trust the process of scientific method more then the tenth grade research paper.

In the end your hypothesis seems that it must be that because science has not explained any and all confusing evidence that evolution could be real people should discard the development and testing of this theory through scientific method and accept that God just did it, despite the fact that you have no evidential evidence of Gods hand. In the end your proof of creationism relies only on rational (Logic), emotive, and authoritative (Bible and stuff your elders say) evidence but not a shred of credible hand of God stuff. Evolution does not preclude the hand of God in anyway, there is no reason that Evolution could not be a perfect system set up by the guy in the sky himself but there is no way to prove such a set up scientifically, it is a religious belief.

The shepherd only cares about the lamb because he can exploit it for that which the lamb can provide. I don't mind people being children of god or servants of god but when they are a willing resource for exploitation I have to wonder, identifying with victimization is unhealthy, it certainly makes for good soldiers to go out and talk about how the sun revolves around the earth.