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comment from an old thread "One of the most interesting comments on race and music made simply is Herbie Hancock's Water Melon Man. Titled with a foul stereo type, it's a super tight sophisticated composition. The "Water Melon Man" is a powerful creator. The rhythms pulse with amazing syncopation (take that white 18th century composition, your rhythms are truly fucking boring). The instruments fit together but share little space harmonically or rhythmically. They stride forward together but don't cling to variations of theme or a shared beat, they are wildly diverse and funky. Amazing bits of improvisation are the cherry on top. Fuck your stereotype, see your Water Melon Man for what he is, a man of intellect, sophistication, discipline and talent."
“If I had a helmet of cell phones strapped around my head, and around my nuts, I wouldn’t be worried." -Elon Musk
If you are a man with a degree or a good job that is capable of empathizing with others and not totally strange than you are in a buyers market. My grandpa was deaf in one ear and in his early twenties during WWII, best Years of his life until the soldiers came back.
Maybe some people would really enjoy your pod cast
One of my favorite things to make is farro (wheat berries) with collards, sweet potato and black eyed peas. Now I do make my collards with bacon, bake the cubed baked sweet potato with butter and use chicken stock with the farro but it would still be very satisfying without those things. Find a good sauce for it, we like Bitchin' Sauce which I think is vegan.
I have never missed a vaccination since that Christmas. I'm getting my Hep vaccine for work next week.
My wife got the flu one year and it really fucked her up bad. She spent 23 hours a day in bed for two weeks, over her 40th birthday and Christmas. Do what you want but the flu can be pretty serious even for healthy people. Does you kid getting the vaccine and not spreading it to someone who is immune compromised matter? That why my kid got the chicken pox vaccine.
I listened to the argument. The liberals, especially Sotomayor were at their worst. I've listened to quite a few oral arguments (40ish). The EPA did this one to itself.
This isn't about what your kids drink, it's about wastewater. I'll guarantee that their drinking water has no shit in it. The solution to polution is dilution and the ocean is probably pretty tolerant of what's getting pushed into it. This is about sewer overflows during rain events. Portland had/has the same problem. Portland dumped 1.4 billion dollars in 2011 to mostly solve it. We are also putting something like a billion dollars every 10 years into the treatment plant. The only thing standing between the public and clean ocean water is a huge increase in water rates. The people managing the the system would love to see 10 billion in infrastructure investment. Here's what Portland did.
I've been enjoying Common Side Effects.
I had to do a bunch of job counseling for the program I was in and one of the big take aways was that no two resumes submissions should be the same. Read the job posting, figure out what the key words in the post are and make sure you use all of them in your resume. Most applicants are going through a layer of AI screening now a days and it's mostly weeding people out based on similarity to the key words in the post.
Topographical coffee map!
Someone stole your video from youtube but I found it.
"recipe" The fact that you have to tamp kind of fucks the whole thing is taken care of concept. I'll be impressed when it roasts the beans to your specifications, otherwise there really it isn't doing all that much work.
Even worse than nights, I'm working relief so I have to cover all the B and C shift vacations with no set schedule but I've always been good at working chaotic scheduals.
I work at a wastewater treatment plant. The dredge is a small part of the plant that I'm probably not going to operate very often for a few years. Regionally it's a pretty big plant at 45 million gallons a day average but maxing at 450 MGD. Nationally it's maybe a biggish medium sized plant.
I'm on my last week of training for my new job, 2.5 months of training. It as at least a half a month longer than it could ever possibly need to be. I'm am tired of listening attentivly. I get $2.50 raise at the start of next week and then a $5 raise in four months. It super strange to have things like that plotted out in front of me. Union certainty is swell. I just have to make it seven months to get off probation and I'm virtually unfireable if do the bare minimum for the rest of my career. I probably have about 3-5 years of night shifts ahead of me, which I'm ok with.