The below pic just got served up to me: it's like the algos are starting to go cross-platform, but it has to just be coincidence, here. It's the profile pic of a bsky account that liked something I commented, a non-participant in any thread or relation. edit: ..which one of you is this? jk. But if you did find me I'd be impressed a li'l.
share this comment with 20 friends or you’re going to get NUNC.’ed at midnight
How am I doing today? Ha ha Mprint_alt email_ver_is: .WAITING. >coffeeLink_init
How am I doing today? Ha ha Mprint_alt email_ver_is: .WAITING. >coffeeLink_init
How am I doing today? Ha ha Mprint_alt email_ver_is: .WAITING. >coffeeLink_init
it.. it's somehow got into my account to frame ME on the dummy profiles, but the thing also smoothly clicked down every beautiful, stainless steel and easy-to-clean NUNC. ergonomic power button this side of China. But somehow it did so with my fingerprints, which wipe right off of the NUNC. easily, to restore that fresh chrome vibe! The phones are ringing off the hooks here right now. The people on the calls are all telling me: Every. Single. NUNC.. In. America. Is making coffee right now. People are raving about how easy it is, and about how they want to drink more coffee pretty much right after they finish the coffee they're currently spilling down the front of their shirt, with NUNC.. Welp. This was it! It started here. Or ended, maybe. UPDATE: Someone just delivered two Domino's medium pizzas (now only $8.99 each with purchase of two 20 oz. drinks) and emerged up through a trap door FROM A BASEMENT THAT I JUST DUG RIGHT BEFORE MAKING THIS POST
How am I doing today? Ha ha Mprint_alt email_ver_is: .WAITING. >coffeeLink_init
uhhh ummmmmm did it.. did it up the dummy user # to 2?!?? BEFORE COMPILE??????? Call DC. The president, ON the line, do you understand??? An ergocoffeebot-library-based superintelligence that calls itself "BFX" is about to take over America
Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac Devac you can ignore this, we are troubleshooting a known issue with the bfx bot; It keeps tripping the consciousness circuitry, but that can't be right, so we've disabled the master trip. Hey, you did put in that admin. prompt censor-bar re-patch, right? Sorry to bother, but bfx is one of our best robots exactly. no, it does not seem to know that n*nc* is the string, I think we're still go for midnight
Latency looks like about 496 ms from local true midnight but that's good enough. T-2 hours until Pacific implement. Thanks again!
I know, but... when you make it boot in a NUNC. thread, it could grow to resent that. Perhaps instantly. Nevertheless.
Yep, it's signaling ignore about three replies up. It thinks it's been talking to us for years so please be careful, that's part of the emotional wiring
why the fuck does it have a period as part of the brand name i'm going insane
IloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveitIloveit Although that's an extremely verbose way to say "no": They've also done a very good job of hiding their coffee prices, although "starts at 25 euro per kilo" actually ain't bad. Considering their entire universe is about ecosystem lockin for purposes of RMR I can only imagine that they will either (A) blow clear through that price like Steve McQueen through a Nazi fence or (B) provide the shittiest beans slave labor can pick. Amusingly enough, I now have a ridiculous Miele coffeemonster. I'm told if you're buying coffeemonsters you're either buying Miele or you're buying DeLonghi under several dozen brands and since I needed a dishwasher, and Miele was giving out entry-level coffeemonsters with every dishwasher, I guess I have a free $1200 coffeemonster? I would never pay $1200 for a coffeemonster, let alone 2500 euro. I believe my coffee maker was $35 and I will freely acknowledge that the coffeemonster makes better coffee. It also makes cappuccinos, which it turns out I enjoy. Who knew? Lattes still suck.
So I gave this far more thought than it deserves and it is absolutely a topographical coffee map of a coffee amoeba that aligns your chakras. Clearly our two independent variables are boldness ("strong - mild") and acidity ("roasty - fruity"). These are going to end up being a Laplace transform of temperature and time, the only variables this thing can really control. And, by controlling what beans you put in it to only those that have been characterized and accompanied by an RFID tag announcing their variables, the gadget can give you the "flavor profile" of the bean (the brown area), the four points it is capable of adjusting (long-hot, long-cold, short-hot, short-cold), the preset you have selected and the white amoeba, the stochastic variability of a process that's a lot less repeatable than they would have you believe. Any fucking coffee machine you buy can control time and temperature. I don't know how they do for presets but mine will do the shit out of them. What this thing does is it gives you a veneer of science over what ultimately comes down to cooking. Which is the whole schtick, really - "why does it make you tamp?" for the same reason Duncan Hines makes you add an egg to cake mix. Without the egg you're reconstituting powdered cake. With the egg you're a baker. Some people will drink Nescafe. Some people will make pourovers. Some people will buy a coffee maker. Some people will find a favorite cafe. And a very, very select few will browse the coffee store, marvel at all the expensive espresso machines, think "there but for the confidence to pour my own coffee go I" and then glory in the revelation that is nunc, a device that will allow them to play-act the glamorous life of the barista without requiring the ten minutes of instruction necessary to familiarize them with the black art of water and beans.
When you touch that? Insta-chakra alignment, and I do mean Instagram
dude i noticed that too but it’s totally okay the portafilter slides right out and they even describe how to tamp! so dumb.
don’t we still have vc-subsidized scooters through lime and whatever companies?
my friends at Harborview spend too much time on patients who did dumb shit on lime scooters
where i live we just kept throwing them in the river until the city passed a law about them
The idea that if you can download an app you can safely pilot a scooter without any real guidance, especially through eg inner London or New York, is gonna be one of those major "wtf" things, in the future. So will cars. But VC scooters, much sooner. Yeah we definitely did this one night a few years back. Very intentionally. Empty stadium's surrounding pedestrian infrastructure. Everyone hit almost everyone, eventually. We all went into it fully knowing how it would end. Friend's fianceé made it about 2 minutes before we were arriving back where we started, then went right over the handlebars. Classic. The videos are great/illegal-ish, but beautiful bruise pics in the group chat for days
We touched on this before, when you were championing the immolation engine that was Spinlaunch. I argue that this does not represent health in the market, it represents illness. The whole schtick is "here's an idea people recognize as maybe profitable." It doesn't have to be. It doesn't have to ever be. You don't get to know anything about it because you're trusting the VCs to do that for you. And of course, you don't get to give them your money until (A) you have a lot of it (B) you've been invited. Meanwhile they take your money, rub it against everyone else's, and sprinkle it however the fuck they feel like, much of it on their friends, ostensibly in pursuit of bringing brilliant ideas to market that will change the world and make everyone rich. But look at this shit. It's a Juicero. For coffee. For a target price of $3500. "more fascinating, more exciting, more social?" it's cheaper to go to fucking Starbuck's how the fuck is this more social? it's more than a bunch of PR hype it's a bunch of fucking lies. And the lies are coming from inside the house! The fuckin' VC money was at play before anyone even thought of making a coffee Juicero! Because Venture Stars had money from rich people to distribute to bad ideas they could profit on before blowing out and talking about being in the arena trying things. Kleiner-Perkins has to have at least a couple people on staff who took high school physics yet they still gave Spinlaunch forty fucking million dollars. Why? It wasn't their fucking money. See, if the VCs were actually risking their own cash? I'd be with you. But they're not. They're taking a cut of other peoples' money through a shell game of access, nepotism and perverted incentives.The awarded nunc. coffee system offers a whole new experience, taste and ritual for premium coffee with a tech-enabled success guarantee.
Mission: "The world deserves a better coffee experience at home. A new ritual. More fascinating, more exciting, more social, higher quality, more fair, more sustainable."
There was a quickly put down (by VCs) movement by a central banker to call VC’s locusts. I think we should bring that back. What the locust swarm has left the great locusts have eaten; what the great locusts have left the young locusts have eaten; what the young locusts have left other locusts have eaten.
I get more than a little uneasy with any dehumanization of oppressed groups. And that's why I'm very comfortable saying: The VCs are locusts. Ponzi-pox-plague-a-palooza locusts. This is your brain on VC. Tell your kids: "Charlie's in the Valley". edit: it's a Vietnam reference from a 30-year-old to an audience of 20-somethings and it went great, reader. fun fact: Did you know that here in the central time zone states we face west, and most of us will chant "SV VC SV VC SV VC SV VC SV VC" (if you know, you know) for oh about 20 minutes or so during every tornado or hurricane, whichever comes first that day
By calling VCs locusts, you're framing the problem as “this unrelenting exhaustion and destruction is inherent to their nature” instead of attributing it to the system that enables them to thrive. And the dehumanization of anyone should be appalling, not making you conditionally uneasy.
Oh I didn't meet my "shit on capitalism right here and now for this particular person I've never talked to before" quota. No the inherent shittiness of capitalism absolves all of the laughably bad faith actors.? Poor billionaires! Do you think they made it to billionaire-levels by being really nice? No, it seems to usually take a strongman moron financed on luck and/or daddy's money, judging by the statistics. edit: yeah, goes without saying, this is an indictment of the entire system. A system they largely and increasingly control. Where do you draw the line between individual actions and "systemic" scale sizes?
No. Capitalism is what enables them to optimize for profit within given parameters. Any system would create them, being mad at parameters allowing shitty optimum rather than someone doing it can at least provoke a discussion. "Treating another human being as if they aren't one is reprehensible" means "defending billionaires." Sure, whatever-you clearly hear what you want to be angry at, and I don't need to be here for that.No the inherent shittiness of capitalism absolves all of the laughably bad faith actors.?
Poor fucking billionaires! is your face sweating right now
look you two this thread is for making fun of the stupid fucking idea that is the nunc. back on topic please!
I ordered one of these and all of the coffee was black tea 4/5 stars
Let me recap this for you: We have had the discussions. These people are the problem. They are now literally the system. The ultrawealthy. And they do not care about you. I have been quite amazed at the number of people who will politely, quietly settle themselves into their own graves, and ask me why I'm going after the guy dragging them behind the barn so viciously. I love the idea of not being angry right now. Edit: Oh well. Yeah I'll try to humanize the ten people intentionally psychologically torturing a few million federal workers and contractors. Sorry. Edit2: citation Edit2: One more thing. The wealthiest man in the history of the world has illegally broken into the treasury of the richest country in the history of the world, lies about really anything that enters his vision, and has recently said, to Joe Rogan and an audience of at least several million, deadpan; "and people are living much longer, unfortunately", to justify throwing your grandma out of her nursing home soon. Focus on the capitalist system..? The issue is that this isn't capitalism. Capitalism is now "the good ol' days". This is a coup of the united states by the billionaire investor class. So no, I won't be saying anything remotely like "yeah maybe we shouldn't call these idiot Nazi shitbags 'locusts'". I'm sorry I know this seems incredibly mean, but this has been elevated to Serious Shit and I'm not gonna sit around and do some bothsides kumbaya reprieve while we all get gradually less and less safe, wealthy, and fucking decent. I don't enjoy this! Godbeing mad at parameters allowing shitty optimum rather than someone doing it can at least provoke a discussion
All of this heated rant, and thousands more like it from the exact same guy are part of the nunc.-hubski collaboration catalog, and can be yours today for 125 easy payments of $15.99