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early checkin
it's about 5 months until i move and i've been putting off the job search for this exact reason - i have no confidence in online job postings and my boyfriend's mom is a hiring manager that has said NEVER COLDCALL PEOPLE to us so the messaging is mixed i don't have the sauce to lie to people is part of the issue and the job dance is all lies - i am extremely confident in my ability to learn any job that i might get my hands on but i can't tell somebody oh yah eh i have 15 years experience in the Skeet workspace
my best shot before looking it up: a deposition is a collection of your sworn testimony in like a pre trial context and an affidavit is a declaration of .. something that you confirm? after i looked it up i see no reason why we have two words for this
inject this haterade into my veins i was chatting with a buddy earlier and i was saying that i don't know anybody who wants AI shit - i know AI haters and AI agnostics, but nobody i know in person is gung ho for AI. who is this stuff for? the biggest effect this whole craze has had on the average person is massively increasing the amount of spam online and adding some shit into your phone U2 album style
to be honest I've just been jamming to bbc radio dance and then falling asleep to radio 3 classical youtube finally managed to make it impossible for me to listen to music ad free on there by account locking me so I've returned to the old fashioned way
i will say i definitely have my favorites and my least favorites out of these but i defer to the reader on which ones they think are which
in quiet streets i set up shop with woven sheets and bottletops with shuddered breath and stuttered sigh from poisoned chest to passersby i pull him out that devil seed the gripping want the frantic need to break my back to suck my sap to find a lack and make it laugh i bottle it go down the road how easy with just half the load — can i get an amen can’t i catch a break i chase it up top i forgot about the storm i’m swallowing spit and my eyes are dry but it's warm and it's ball one and the coin flips over my lungs ache and my heart melts and it comes up heads why not give it a try amen — and to all the different kinds of blue the refuse of a happy tune the one that comes in afternoons the now, the never, sometime soon on waves that tumble to the bay the green, marine, and robin’s egg and even mixed with bitter grey i love you more than i can say —- the better than the better is the trade you trade for knowledges the mix you mix with sour grapes (however long that it will take) to clarify or to begin to find out where to follow him – dog with a bone all alone watch her run watch her roam mom’s not home chew the bone watch her as she checks her phone —-- create the world! enjoy its light! ignite your flame to rule its night! escape the bed, the frame, the trite and fight the forest with a knife! —----- Juliet, 25 sees the ways her lover lied. —-- i know you perfect blue perfect dawn perfect you keep me warm keep me true perfect love perfect blue —-- eye of the needle watching over me feverings and visions tongue stitches taking lashes bearing new fruit —-- hello the halfmoon that grows when it splits hello the hart that the hunter will miss hello to apemen picking up tools hello to apricot mixed in the gruel —-- lung splitter back snapper gut ripper leg cracker little creature growing old