You know it occurred to me the other day how poorly done most superhero movies are done these days. It tends to be the isolated story lines that are usually the best (Antman, Guardian's of the Galaxy, The Winter Soldier). Shoot, the television series are usually a lot better than anything produced in theaters (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, The Flash, etc.) After getting a chance to re-watch Captain America: Civil War( which I actually ended up disliking even more for the really dumb narratives), and finally seeing Batman v Superman it dawned on me how poor the entire genre is doing. I feel like the biggest issue that plagues these franchises is that a lot of the direction is so focused on getting to the next narrative, and not about the story being told. It's honestly exhausting because I think there are a lot of really awesome stories to be told, and they are really just missing the mark. I'm pretty sure it only gets worse from here.