I've owned at least a dozen vehicles. The Scion, while small and dorky, was awesome and I wish I could have had another one. That car lasted me 11 years before the accident. I've owned a few trucks, Ford F150's mostly, a Dodge Van, a couple of Honda CVCC's and Civics (from the 90's). I owned a Saturn SW1 (The 90's wagon) that I got at auction and was not worth what I paid for it (under a grand, god what a shit car this was, lasted three years then junked it). I also had an '81 Ford Escort in there that shook itself apart on the I5 traveling home one year. I have had the short term car experience and now only look at cars as a 10+ year ownership investment. At the rate I am going through cars on the decade plan I'll get 2-3 more before they bury me; hopefully one of those will be an electric but we shall see.