I've owned at least a dozen vehicles. The Scion, while small and dorky, was awesome and I wish I could have had another one. That car lasted me 11 years before the accident. I've owned a few trucks, Ford F150's mostly, a Dodge Van, a couple of Honda CVCC's and Civics (from the 90's). I owned a Saturn SW1 (The 90's wagon) that I got at auction and was not worth what I paid for it (under a grand, god what a shit car this was, lasted three years then junked it). I also had an '81 Ford Escort in there that shook itself apart on the I5 traveling home one year. I have had the short term car experience and now only look at cars as a 10+ year ownership investment. At the rate I am going through cars on the decade plan I'll get 2-3 more before they bury me; hopefully one of those will be an electric but we shall see.
Do you think the Crosstrek will last the ten years? Thinking of test driving that car and some others next month, finally.
Hell if I know. One of the deciding factors in choosing the Subaru over the Rav4 was all the old Subarus on the roads. Consumer Reports gives is a good score as well. And I did not like the interior of the Rav4. Felt too cramped even for being a bigger vehicle.