I got the board game Civilization A New Dawn and it's really solid. It uses a great mechanic for turns that keeps the game moving and, unlike a lot of war games, doesn't let one person get wiped out early so they can't participate. On a similar vein, I've been thinking about what I'm going to do for my new years resolution. Every year I choose a word that will be the theme for the next year. 2017 was "slow" because I was charging headlong into a lot of stuff, and I'm thinking 2018 will be "adulthood". There are a lot of aspects of adult life that my wife does for the both of us. While that's great for me, I don't think that's a very good model for going forward and I think I need to suck it up and live an adult life (in some aspects). That's also got me thinking a lot about games and media. I play a lot of games in my free time, and I don't watch a lot of movies or TV or read. I'm trying to tackle my feelings on that, TV and movies feel like they're a bigger part of the culture and they make it easier to chat at work. Books feel a lot more valuable, especially in the holidays when I'm hanging out with my in-laws who are all ivy league alumni. But I like games, and I need to find a way to talk about the narrative merit of games like Beginner's Guide and That Dragon Cancer. Work is still boring.