Winding down to the Christmas holiday, which I'm looking forward to. Unfortunately my wife has to go back to work on the 27th, and then is heading out with a friend for a couple of days, so I will be sole-parenting for a good chunk of the time. This of course means a tad lest restfulness than I might otherwise get, but se la vie. I've been playing around with Electron, a library geared towards doing desktop apps with NodeJS. It's interesting enough, even if I haven't quite figured out what it adds specifically over regular old node. It's something to do, even if I find the documentation to be lousy most of the time. And another thing is that variable scope seems really inconsistent; I'm randomly getting errors where it can't find global variables, or at the least those variables are being changed in ways that don't make sense. I haven't really gotten my head around how asynchronous events work, either. I also started with an art tutor, which is something I've had on the back burner for months. Games-wise, I've mostly been playing Mario Odyssey, which is fantastic. Breath of the Wild is also amazing, but I've been in the mood for something a little more casual. I did download the demo of Inside (the new game by the folks who made Limbo) for iOS, and so far it's got some of the best touch controls for a side-scroller I've ever used. This one will likely be a purchase, as long as the story holds up. More reading, more writing, just as usual.