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elizabeth  ·  1920 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: July 17, 2019

I've bee reading a lot. Summer has been amazing - lot of hanging out, work is going well, weather is amazing.

I had an incident at my birthday party last weekend. We were hanging out at the park (kind of open invite) and then we had a little BBQ at my place after. At the park, there was this dude selling weed candies or whatever that hung around our group for a bit.

Come midnight at my house BBQ, he walks in with like 3 friends. Honestly, by that time I was pretty drunk and did not see them walk in because I was in a room for a birthday massage! So I go confront him, asking what he's doing here, who gave him my address but only get vague answers. I tell him that it's a private party and that's really not cool - but they seem to be getting along well with my guests. I'm also a little worried i'm drunk and over-reacting, and there is confusion/conflicting reports that he's someone's friend. So i tell him i'm uncomfortable and let it slide, and not kick them out. I proceed to have lots of fun at the party with the rest of my friends :)

Turns out that dude was a massive douche that aggressively hit on one on my friends and made her feel uncomfortable. He also kicked out my other friend mid-route in the Uber because she would not sleep with him.

I'm extremely pissed off at whoever gave those jerks my personal address and invited them to my private birthday party. And made my friends feel unsafe. I don't even know who did it. (I had my suspicion , but that person denied doing it) Made a little PSA about inviting random people to someone else's house on our Fb group about it but I still have a bad taste from this experience. I regret not kicking them out in the first place :(

Urhgh. I never really celebrated my birthday with friends before - this was super fun and probably my best birthday ever. I'm sad it's been tainted like this. But I won't let it happen ever again.