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cgod  ·  4498 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The God Hypothesis - The Advanced Apes

With the possible exception that I could be the dream of a demon or a brain in a box undergoing a science experiment, which would nullify any belief I hold in anything, we have an observable world. I don't believe in unicorns (if we are discussing a 'magik' creature, a pony with a horn might be in the fossil record for all I know). Why? Because based on everything we can observe I see no evidence of ghosts, dragons, Harry Potter or voodoo. I don't believe in homeopathy because people using the sound methods of scientific method have determined that it's utter bullshit.

Could there be a higher power that created the universe? I suppose there could be and I suppose that there could be many other reasonable explanations for how the world came to be. I don't know how the world came to be, and neither do you. I will say that the only thing that has ever made me suspect that the world has been ordered by some higher power is the study of chemistry, the system is a little too perfect, actually it is a system of such order and perfection that it leaves me in awe. Didn't convince me that there was a god but it's pretty amazing. If mankind can develop a hypothesis for how the universe came to be, that is anything more than speculation, I will feel pretty good about crossing the possibility of a higher power off my list.

I don't believe in a guy in the sky who looks down and judges each and everyone of us and puts us in our proper place when we die. I see no evidence or even need to try and justify such a beings existence (many people do see such a need and it is the foundation of their faith). It does seem to me that we are in need of an explanation for how the world came to be (or if there even is coming to be, thanks Xenophanes). I don't know what my scepticism has to do with unicorns or homeopathy, why don't you tell me.