A criminal trial in which the most influential juror (openly!) coordinates the proceedings and rules with the defendant is no longer a trial. It's another crime scene. Dear everyone saying, "No worries, we can vote them out": Do you think Trump will voluntarily pass the presidency to anyone else? He knows they'll slap handcuffs on him, January 21st of 2021, if he steps down. It's still well within the statute of limitations that applies to the felony campaign finance law violation charge that Michael Cohen is doing time for (I checked), and Trump is equally guilty. That's why we have Alan Douchewitz arguing on the Senate floor that Trump can do anything, as long as he claims to be acting in the best interests of America. The GOP is normalizing this idea right now, so their dumbfuck base will be unsurprised when Trump refuses to leave office, even after possibly losing an election he blantantly cheated in. I know a lot of people who are moderately concerned about this whole affair. Like, sure, they loathe Trump, and would prefer him out of office, but this is just another impeachment, or something. Do you know what all of them have in common? Ignorance. Usually semi-unintentional ignorance, though. The firehose of information since news first broke of the Ukraine scandal is just too much to assimilate in only a few months, especially if you're working 40 hours a week. When I confront my retired 'boomer parents about any of this, they get so uncomfortable that they clam up, and beg to change the subject after about three or four minutes. It takes every bit of self-restraint in my being to keep myself from launching into a tirade about how their unwillingness to even think about uncomfortable subjects is some of the most pathetic, cowardly, and disgraceful behavior that I've ever seen. Willful ignorance. A staple of normie 'boomers. Trump wouldn't be president without it.