Saw a guy in a pickup truck with infowars and trump stickers today
You know, of all of us on this site you’re far down the list of people I’d expect a comment like that from. Says a lot about where we are at.
All political authority is granted by the people. It is the purpose of government to serve the people. Trump actions subverted that authority, and the GOP protected him, not the system that protects the people. The GOP failed a critical task of governance.
When 75% of America thinks you should call witnesses, and then you don't call witnesses, that lets me know that my concept of your path to staying in power (re-election) may be flawed, or that re-election is not your primary concern. Obviously, one of my current side projects is trying to find out why.
I am more optimistic than you. Ironically, it's an optimism borne of cynicism. Remember: Trump didn't win the popular vote. He won the electoral vote in the least-representative election since Rutherford Hayes won in 1876, against one of the least-popular Democrats in history. He carried his base, and his base were energized. All the Republicans are fighting for at this point is that base. That base is calling the shots. But they were promised a wall, they were promised that they'd get sick of winning and they were promised that the swamp would be drained. What they've gotten is some corner-case owning of the libs. The question, then, is what percentage of Trump voters are currently experiencing that discomfort... and what percentage of them are going to brave the polls to put their stamp of approval on it? Frontline did four hours on "how we got here." In typical reserved documentary fashion they lay out the case that populistRepublican behavior begat populist Republican behavior such that no one can afford to vote what principles they have left. The Republican party is on a path of self destruction. Everyone knows it. But their livelihoods are tied to feeding it. When the polls say 75% of the country wants witnesses and you vote for no witnesses, you're acknowledging that you're suppressing your own voter turnout. When your boss was elected on "drain the swamp" and you're actively plugging the dam for him, you're suppressing your own voter turnout. When you insist that you have to bring a license and stand in line and punch a paper sheet in order to say "yes keep doing this in my name" you're suppressing your own voter turnout. And really - what do you believe in? What can you endorse that people actually want?When I confront my retired 'boomer parents about any of this, they get so uncomfortable that they clam up, and beg to change the subject after about three or four minutes. It takes every bit of self-restraint in my being to keep myself from launching into a tirade about how their unwillingness to even think about uncomfortable subjects is some of the most pathetic, cowardly, and disgraceful behavior that I've ever seen. Willful ignorance. A staple of normie 'boomers. Trump wouldn't be president without it.
I feel like your statement is true up until 2010. Then Citizens United happened and 2010-current it sure doesn’t feel like that’s how political authority happens.
If this is true (really sounds like it), Lindsey Graham is in big trouble. Well, no, should be in big trouble. The world is different now. Parnas also claims that two of Trump's impeachment defense lawyers, Sekulow and Cipollone, were involved in the Ukraine schemes. That's potentially problematic in another direction than Graham's complicity. Parnas's account of Cipollone's involvement has been verified by John Bolton. Seems like one explanation is blackmail. Trump could have something like evidence that Graham is homosexual. It makes sense that Trump would be using his position as chief intelligence officer to blackmail and extort on an individual level, and then co-opt those people to attempt the extortion of a nation. I also remember that someone asked Rudy if he was afraid of being arrested, and, after he finished debasing himself, Giuliani claimed to have an insurance policy. Kompromat on the attorney general's role in all of this would probably suffice, but Rudy undoubtedly has worse dirt on Trump, like things he's helped Trump sweep under the rug over a lifetime of palling around in NYC. Still unclear if Parnas is a Russian agent or not. If I find out that the House is withholding evidence from the public because they're trying to make the GOP acquit first (their calculus being that such would inflict maximum political damage), I'm gonna be pissed, on principle. Infinitely worse is the possibility that after acquittal, even if public opinion turns on Trump, he's already done enough to keep his grip on the reins of power.
A criminal trial in which the most influential juror (openly!) coordinates the proceedings and rules with the defendant is no longer a trial. It's another crime scene. Dear everyone saying, "No worries, we can vote them out": Do you think Trump will voluntarily pass the presidency to anyone else? He knows they'll slap handcuffs on him, January 21st of 2021, if he steps down. It's still well within the statute of limitations that applies to the felony campaign finance law violation charge that Michael Cohen is doing time for (I checked), and Trump is equally guilty. That's why we have Alan Douchewitz arguing on the Senate floor that Trump can do anything, as long as he claims to be acting in the best interests of America. The GOP is normalizing this idea right now, so their dumbfuck base will be unsurprised when Trump refuses to leave office, even after possibly losing an election he blantantly cheated in. I know a lot of people who are moderately concerned about this whole affair. Like, sure, they loathe Trump, and would prefer him out of office, but this is just another impeachment, or something. Do you know what all of them have in common? Ignorance. Usually semi-unintentional ignorance, though. The firehose of information since news first broke of the Ukraine scandal is just too much to assimilate in only a few months, especially if you're working 40 hours a week. When I confront my retired 'boomer parents about any of this, they get so uncomfortable that they clam up, and beg to change the subject after about three or four minutes. It takes every bit of self-restraint in my being to keep myself from launching into a tirade about how their unwillingness to even think about uncomfortable subjects is some of the most pathetic, cowardly, and disgraceful behavior that I've ever seen. Willful ignorance. A staple of normie 'boomers. Trump wouldn't be president without it.
So far this week I've gotten three emails about Trump owning 'Godless Democrats.' Edit* One of these was directly celebrating the mistreatment of refugees and their children as 'getting what they deserve for breaking the law.' God is Good, All the Time. All the Time, God is Good.