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hootsbox · 4909 days ago · link · · parent · post: Is anyone planning on watching tonight's GOP Debate?
Well, I've watched a couple to see what the candidates have. There are several that have served as governors (and some very successful in terms of job growth, favorable business climates, medical tort reform, etc.), some as Speaker of the House (a very tough position for anyone of any political party), Congress people, Ambassadors, and CEO's of solid companies. You may not like their political persuasion, but they all have had more executive and administrative experience than the current President did when he took office. So, I listened this evening, and I thought the questioners asked some very poignant questions. If I were to give opinion, I would rate Romney, Gingrich, Perry and Cain as the most versed in solution oriented answers. I have heard the personal baggage claims brought up on most (wouldn't it be great if we were all "saints" all our lives!), and some may be true - but to bring something up that happened 20 years prior and has not happened since - whether Democrat or Repbulican or Independent - is mostly hogwash. This is not to say we should not be interested in the private lives (as in conduct or deportment) of public officials is not important (our founders certainly agreed and made many statements to that topic). Certainly habitual private behavioral issues cannot be isolated from public behavior (if you are a thief in private, your probably will be in public for instance). But looking at the record and abilities (not whether someone just looks good or sounds good) is important.