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Cumol · 1762 days ago · link · · parent · post: Chinese Coronavirus Is a Man Made Virus According to Luc Montagnier the Man Who Discovered HIV
.... I am getting bombarded with this from all directions. In Arabic, in Hebrew, and even in German. And every time it is the same. No scientific evidence that makes sense and very shallow, dumbed down explanations like "its a combination of A and B and it has to be man made"... To me the opposite is obvious. It's setting the stage for another "war in terror" like bullshit wagon with China as target. Do I like what China is or is becoming? NO. Do I believe their numbers of cases? Just as much I believe official numbers coming from Brazil (no). But it doesn't mean that this an orchestrated biological warfare attack... (the choice of words "Chinese Coronavirus" is already a hint to what I wrote above)