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- sees foreigner posting about US guns

- prepares to write anecdote about the local gun shop, which has had a line at least six deep of emasculated 30-something MAGAheads waiting to buy Smith & Wesson teddy bears every day, all day, rain or shine, since March

- Clicks link, sees local gun shop directly below the byline

Note that during the Clinton Era, this was "Lynnwood Pawn." During the George W Bush era, this was "Lynnwood Gun & Pawn." During the Obama era it became "Lynnwood Guns, Ammo & Pawn." Now? Now they're "Lynnwood Gun."

They're worth checking out on Street View so you can really capture the scene. Toshi's Teriyaki, an Ethiopian market and across the street, a trailer park.

They love the press.

Note that all this kerfuffle is because them dreaded libruls passed a law saying assault rifles are drinking-age, not cigarette-age (come at me on the "assault rifle" verbiage, I will block you immediately) and all the Chuds immediately started tooting the Star Spangled Banner out of their pilonidal sphincters. Our Republican candidate for Governor is a nothingburger redneck from a nothingburger hamlet out in the back of beyond who decided that upholding the law isn't what sheriffs do so now, of course, he's a hero of the right. Our own county's sheriff is equally Chud-like.