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comment by kleinbl00

- sees foreigner posting about US guns

- prepares to write anecdote about the local gun shop, which has had a line at least six deep of emasculated 30-something MAGAheads waiting to buy Smith & Wesson teddy bears every day, all day, rain or shine, since March

- Clicks link, sees local gun shop directly below the byline

Note that during the Clinton Era, this was "Lynnwood Pawn." During the George W Bush era, this was "Lynnwood Gun & Pawn." During the Obama era it became "Lynnwood Guns, Ammo & Pawn." Now? Now they're "Lynnwood Gun."

They're worth checking out on Street View so you can really capture the scene. Toshi's Teriyaki, an Ethiopian market and across the street, a trailer park.

They love the press.

Note that all this kerfuffle is because them dreaded libruls passed a law saying assault rifles are drinking-age, not cigarette-age (come at me on the "assault rifle" verbiage, I will block you immediately) and all the Chuds immediately started tooting the Star Spangled Banner out of their pilonidal sphincters. Our Republican candidate for Governor is a nothingburger redneck from a nothingburger hamlet out in the back of beyond who decided that upholding the law isn't what sheriffs do so now, of course, he's a hero of the right. Our own county's sheriff is equally Chud-like.

user-inactivated  ·  1628 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That Street View is amazing, and then I turned around and had to Google "palm trees Seattle". For some reason I keep thinking it's so much further north.

I actually did a Google News search for that article, the one I first read was in Swedish and foreign correspondents rarely seem to leave New York. It's also hilarious how Google translates "ammunitionstorka" (literally "ammunition drought") to "drone strikes".

kleinbl00  ·  1628 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Arms dealer Cliff Pfleger (right) shows off one of the most popular weapons: a Mossberg 500.

I think it's worth noting that seeing the phrase "arms dealer" gave me pause. Acceptable phrasing includes "gun dealer" "gun shop" "sporting arms dealer" and I've even seen "broker in sporting weapons." "Arms dealers" are guys like Adnan Khashoggi and Viktor Bout, not Lynnwood Gun. No, no. Those aren't "Arms dealers", what is this a third world country?

I'll bet Google Translate is region sensitive. Here the phrase is

    Store owners testify to empty warehouses and ammunition droughts in the wake of the pandemic and the violent protests - and more Americans are arming themselves for the very first time.
kleinbl00  ·  1628 days ago  ·  link  ·