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kleinbl00  ·  1514 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: ACB is ALREADY enforcing christian morality over the rest of us.

Here's your title, 21 days ago, Ben:

"ACB is ALREADY enforcing christian morality over the rest of us"

(emphasis yours)

What you wrote three weeks ago was untrue. If you wrote it today it would still be untrue: what ACB is doing is asserting that religious freedom trumps safety. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to argue how ACB's position represents "christian morality" particularly when the plaintiffs in the case were "Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America."

You might also want to take a flyer at the fact that Amy Coney Barrett rejects the Ninety Five Theses, so whatever version of "Christian" she represents predates your particularly-loathed version of charismatic evangelical Christianity by a good 400 years. In ACB's universe the Anglicans are heretics. Religiously speaking she's closer to the Copts than to your family.

Doesn't mean she isn't a religious conservative. Does mean that your sloppy imprecision undermines your arguments, which only those of us who love you are even humoring at this point.