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cgod  ·  572 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Credit Suisse Bond-Wipeout Threatens $250 Billion Market

Conservative love for the unitary executive is part of the problem.

I don't know the financial side of this all that well, but on the national security side congress just doesn't have much bandwidth anymore for serious detail oriented work that isn't extremely pressing. This is especially true on the republican side where a huge number of representatives entered congress with a MAGA mindset. Good national security legislation is innately bipartisan.

It's not a love for the unitary executive as much as owning libs on Twitter and other performative ritualistic politics is how you get ahead and hard work doesn't count for shit.

We are going to see an interesting test of Congress ability to do more than be shit flinging monkeys with the AUMF repeals the Senate is sending over. If they get repealed it would be a bipartisan step towards Congress clawing back a little shred of power, hopefully that might become habit forming but I should probably be careful what I wish for.