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user-inactivated  ·  4302 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ozzie Smith or Alan Trammell? | Bleacher Report

Disclaimer: Trammell belongs in the HoF; so does Smith. However, they aren't as comparable as Trammell is with Barry Larkin, who is in the Hall as well.

Well, I just got finished writing a million words at b_b, who almost certainly doesn't want to read them, so I won't add too much here, despite the fact that I think this article is clearly wrong. But I can't let this slide:

    how much better [Trammell] was at getting on base and scoring runs.
Smith scored a few more runs than Trammell did, in about 1000 more ABs. Which means that they're as close as to make only a very small difference. Trammell's OBP is slightly, slightly better than Smith's -- but adjust them for league and park (lgOBP) and see what happens. And additionally, Smith walked twice as much as he struck out, and Trammell did both equally. So it's a bit ridiculous to say that Trammell clearly had Smith on getting on base and scoring.

-pointlessly and hopelessly enraged Cards fan