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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  4302 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ozzie Smith or Alan Trammell? | Bleacher Report

Disclaimer: Trammell belongs in the HoF; so does Smith. However, they aren't as comparable as Trammell is with Barry Larkin, who is in the Hall as well.

Well, I just got finished writing a million words at b_b, who almost certainly doesn't want to read them, so I won't add too much here, despite the fact that I think this article is clearly wrong. But I can't let this slide:

    how much better [Trammell] was at getting on base and scoring runs.
Smith scored a few more runs than Trammell did, in about 1000 more ABs. Which means that they're as close as to make only a very small difference. Trammell's OBP is slightly, slightly better than Smith's -- but adjust them for league and park (lgOBP) and see what happens. And additionally, Smith walked twice as much as he struck out, and Trammell did both equally. So it's a bit ridiculous to say that Trammell clearly had Smith on getting on base and scoring.

-pointlessly and hopelessly enraged Cards fan

b_b  ·  4302 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Wrong. I do want to read them, and I think you make some great points. Let's not lose sight of my original point, which is supported by this and that thread. My point was that the BBWAA is garbage who will do anything SportCenter tells them to do. The mere fact that we and others can even seriously debate whether Smith or Trammell was the better SS supports my position that its ridiculous that Smith is is first ballot HoFer while Tram probably won't get in. That's the main thrust of my argument. To me, they were the two best SS's of the 80's. Smith had pizzazz; Tram did not. BB writers have no cred. That is mainly the point I was making.

user-inactivated  ·  4302 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yep, yep. Completely true. I would say that adding Barry Larkin to your Trammell-should-be-in speech in future will help it a lot.

b_b  ·  4302 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Interesting. I'm gonna educate myself more about Larkin. (For the only reason that I can get more pissed off about one for my childhood heroes getting snubbed, a useless waste of energy, but one I can't stop myself from, nonetheless.)