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AlderaanDuran  ·  4295 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Man Oursources His Own Job

I work in IT infrastructure and stories like this scare me. I mean kudos to this guy for making some bank and what not, but he'll probably never work in the field again. He gave some random firm of people he'd never met his login, password, and RSA token. I mean, what if this guy worked for your bank? Or your healthcare provider? Or the firm he outsourced to put backend/door code into an application that eventually went production in this company?

Highly unethical. I get the argument that companies outsource all the time, but it's different when they make a conscious decision to outsource, and put the proper policies and checks and balances in place to do so. Some random guy doing it on the side and hiding it is a huge security risk.