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30 something from the Twin Cities, Minnesota.

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AlderaanDuran  ·  3028 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Chris Christie Arrested for Keying Trumps Limo

First, that looks like a salad or pasta bowl. Soup generally won't get served without a plate beneath it. Second, dem scallops look delicious.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3043 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The message sent to us from our daughter's kindergarten

Said nothing of the sort. I was only replying to the "Apparently this is okay now" comment, like kids never did this shit before. It's not "okay now", because it was being investigated and being taken VERY seriously by the school. It was just that sentiment of "Well Trump is president I guess it's okay to be racist now" type part that is kind of annoying, you know? Yeah, call it out. Everyone should. I do. It was just that passive aggressive part of the comment that gets to me. NO, of course this isn't okay.

That being said, because of the whole race issues being in the media thing, it's going to be over reported. So no, it's not okay, and people should call them out. My comment was not condoning these actions and I'm sorry if that wasn't clear.

When I'm using a stall at a bar, me seeing the words "faggot" or "nigger" written on the wall generally don't make national news. THAT is what I was getting at.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3047 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The message sent to us from our daughter's kindergarten

    I have heard stories about kids being overtly racist in a school setting, which is apparently okay now.

It's not okay now, I just think it's being reported more now. "Kid writes N word in bathroom stall at local high school" wasn't a story a story a year ago, but now that the national conversation is focusing around Trump, and racism, and xenophobia, those stories get published and broadcast.

bfv below linked a story from Minnesota, where I live, and I don't think that is acceptable by any means. The vast majority of people don't. We would have never heard that story a year ago, but if we were to look at all middle and high school bathrooms, I'm sure we could find plenty of edgy kids who wrote the N word on something, or drew a swastika, etc.

It's entirely wrong, no disagreement there. I just think it's another one of those things that's going to be over-reported now.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3238 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: SpaceX lands on the barge at sea.... AGAIN

This was a GTO launch profile, so the landing was much more complex. The first stage was coming back at a higher speed and ballistic arc. The first landing they only had to do a single engine burn for the landing. This one, because of the increased speed, was a three engine burn. Much more complex, and they still nailed it.

My guess is all of the previous barge failures were due to the nature of the barge movement based on the thrust pushing it around. They have that solved now, so they should be good here on out... at least "most of the time." Bottom line is, the FIRST time they attempted to land at the Cape, they nailed it, flawlessly. I think landing on an object that isn't moving and that you're own thrust isn't pushing around is much easier. Hence why the Cape landing worked the first time, and why they have had so many barge failures.


AlderaanDuran  ·  3248 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear hubski, why are you here?

I'm here because I like social aggregation sites, and Reddit is just too full of... well... people that just want to circlejerk. There is no discussion there in the larger subs, though the smaller subs are still pretty good. I belong to some smaller Reddit subs that I still enjoy, but the "big" subreddits are just the usual. You can read a headline, even if false/sensational, and know what all of the comments are going to be about even before clicking. Hubski is different in that regard, but I believe only because it's still smallish. Good discussion still happens here. But it lacks the population to make smaller niche hobbies/interests popular topics here.

I've had an account for over 3 years now, and was more active in the past. I got married, bought a house, had a daughter, and don't really spend a lot of time on sites like this, or on my computer in general. I still lurk, and occasionally comment, but that's about it. Even on a community like this, there's always a small handful of people that ruin it for me. So I just choose not to post, and read the links instead.

ALL communities on the internet suffer from that one or many free radical that shows up; That guy/girl that is always right and has to tell you why your opinions are wrong. Does he/she do that in real life? Probably not. But online, they get their kicks and ruin a lot of normal discussion between people. The reason I came here, yet the reason I don't participate much anymore, is because those people are everywhere online, even communities like this. But in the real world... they aren't there and don't have the same things to say. I get why people do it, but it's the one major downside of the internet discussion for me; some people aren't themselves. They play a part where they are the smartest, always right, have the right opinions on everything, and argue over the stupidest shit. I come to smaller communities like Hubksi to get away from them... but they are still here... They are everywhere on the internet.

Surprising... or maybe it isn't. That's why I came here, but that's also why I don't post much anymore.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3253 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Prince, dead at 57

I saw him live at the Dakota here in the twin cities. Tiny little venue where he played decades ago and still plays. Generally before he has a tour or new album he'll do like a whole weeks worth of shows there. Tickets to the actual shows are near impossible to get, but i got some rehearsal tickets, and have before. They are far better. Less people, more intimate, and it's pretty much just him practicing with his band and occasionally just going off on a shredding rampage on the guitar.

One time I was at the bar there there, and he appeared next to me asking for some bottled water to the bartender. Wearing his hoody, sunglasses, and being a little incognito. I made eye contact with him, nodded, and he said "sup boss", got his waters, and then left.

Pretty sure my heart stopped beating for like a minute.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3253 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Prince, dead at 57

Local from the Twin Cities here. It's fucking crazy. People are still mourning/partying today, people took off work, First Ave the club where Prince got his start and still a huge music venue here got government permission to stay open round the clock starting last night through Sunday. They are hosting a 24 hour Prince dance party the entire time, with some special guest local musicians playing as well. Every radio station is just playing Prince round the clock. Electronic billboards and displays are all going mostly purple.

This state took it pretty hard. Even if you weren't a fan of his music, Prince is the pinnacle worldwide celebrity from Minnesota and no one will ever top him. He was like our local Willy Wonka. Mysterious, perhaps strange at times, but entirely gifted and talented. He could have moved to LA, or NYC, or anywhere with a better music scene, but he didn't. He stayed right here where he was born. He was born here, lived here, recorded here, and died here. There's a lot to respect about that. The man was an international icon, and he called this place home. Everyone from here loves prince even if they don't love his music.

Some Pics from First Ave and other stuff: They had a no cover 18+ all night party. So naturally half the city showed up and the streets were filled for blocks in either direction.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3257 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Lets Encrypt SSL

    Certs expire after only 90 days

Yeah... that's a deal breaker for a company my size. Just on my two web apps I probably have 100+ certs and we do two year rotations. Yeah it's mostly scripted for the replacement, but I still gotta get on during a late night maint window, do a rolling release through the load pool, have QA smoke test each server, then do a pool smoke test, yada yada.

Not worth it. 90 days is far too fucking short. That introduces too much risk into an environment.

thank you for the info though!

AlderaanDuran  ·  3259 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Lets Encrypt SSL

Nice. I work in web hosting on the architecture/infrastructure side. I might look into this in the future. But we're a major financial, so hard to say if they'd bite, but I LOVE the idea. We're all SHA2 on Thawte currently, which honestly isn't the beacon of security when you think SSL certs anyway. Chrome, IE, and Firefox all checkout the Hubski cert as good for me. So... awesome!

Are certs free from Lets Encrypt? Even for profit sites, or for say, enterprise level sites? I cruised around their site a bit but didn't find the info I was looking for. The site had a lot of verbiage about how certs work which I'm all too familiar with, but didn't find the more industry info I was looking for. Perhaps I missed it.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3260 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Homeless and uneducated. What would you do with $100k?

Get a cheap and small apartment. Get a job. And honestly just sit on the savings until you have a routine, and a life for yourself where you are earning also. Think of it like a safety net and a "bonus", not a lottery ticket. There's nothing you could do with that money to retire on or anything. It's a lot, but it's not that much these days. Even if someone gave you some smart investment opportunity it could just as easily end up with you having half that money, or none of the money, as it would gaining profit.

Maybe use the money for education, or invest it in a secure low-risk fund, something like that. But the key is to get a place to stay, get off the streets, and get that shit in a fund where it isn't liquid. At least most of it. Get a job, get your own life together, and just save that money. Sure, maybe spend a LITTLE of it on yourself. Get yourself a nice place and maybe buy a TV and a laptop or something. But put the rest away.

You can quote me on that.

EXACTLY. I'm just glad some people understand the difference. They ARE both doing amazing things, even if different. I'm impressed SpaceX can return a first stage back to the pad. I'm impresses the BO has actually re-used a stage. Both HUGE accomplishments. As a space nerd it's easy to see the difference, but to the average citizen they either don't care or hear the media's manufactured competition.

But at the end of the day, stuff is advancing so I guess it's win win.

A fair point, and totally true. But when they mess with my space shit... IT'S PERSONAL.

I'm super happy for Blue Origins, and I hope the stock boost and revenue they get from this project will lead to a reusable rocket that will take payloads to LEO. I know that's their goal, and it's a good approach.

That being said I absolutely HATE the media "BLUE ORIGINS BEATS SPACEX" crap that they spread. They are in two completely different applications. One is launching tourists "really high", the other is sending paid client payloads into LEO and GTO, AND they have a successful landing of the first stage too. The differences are so vast that I hate the media playing each of them against each other. It's like comparing GM to Boeing. Bezos quote when they landed their booster of "welcome to the club" to Musk was just kind of annoying, but I get why he did it.

They are both doing absolutely awesome things, and it makes me happy and hopeful for space exploration. But the media isn't doing the industry any favors by pretending what BO and SpaceX are doing are the same thing. It further spreads ignorance about space exploration.

Sorry to go off on a tangent. Just something I'm passionate about. :)

AlderaanDuran  ·  3291 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Regulating a Miyota 8245

    However, when something is cheaper, better, and has no significant advantage other than being some cultural shit-piece, than you are doing nothing but wasting time and money with these watches by refusing to use the better ones.

Cultural shit-piece? You know what most people would call smartwatches...? I even said I own quartz watches in my comment you respond with "by refusing to use better ones". You either didn't read my comment, or chose to ignore that part.

I was just trying to explain why I and many others love and collect mechanical watches. I wasn't trying to force you to buy any. You completely ignored my comment and just said "buy a quartz watch it's better", yet then go on to say you own a smartwatch? What do those do that your cellphone doesn't already do? You say you bought it for function, but I bet there's a part of you that wouldn't admit it here that enjoys it for it's aesthetics, and the image it presents to others. Otherwise I could say the same to you; Why didn't you just buy a cheap Timex quartz watch?

Look, we both wear watches, just different kinds and for different reasons. Why you chose to shit all over someone elses choices I don't know, but it's kind of smug and shitty. Your comment reminds me of being on Reddit. The type of people that Hubski allows me to easily avoid. :)

AlderaanDuran  ·  3291 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Watch Repair in Microgravity

While I am a huge automatic watch fan, I'm not steeped in the knowledge of being able to repair an automatic movement or even begin to address your situation. I do a lot of maintenance myself, but nothing to the extent of watch "repair". That takes a very skilled professional, of which, I am not.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3291 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Regulating a Miyota 8245

For watch collectors it's not about pure accuracy. We can get that from our cellphones. It's about how mechanical/automatic watches are some of the most complicated non-electrical things that humans have ever made. And about their roots and history in sailing, shipping, navigation, exploring, and railroads. They were used to map the Earth accurately. Quartz watches aren't bad, I own a G-Shock and a couple other quartz watches, but my favorites are my more refined and high-end mechanical pieces. Because of the engineering, and that throwback that I mentioned. There's just more too it than "I want the most accurate time". It's that we, watch collectors, have an interest in the actual engineering and physical movements of a nice watch. AND, a really good mechanical watch can keep REALLY good fucking time, with zero electricity. That's just impressive and almost romantic in a way.

I don't know if that makes sense, but that's the easiest way I can explain it. But I'm a watch guy, and in real life I wouldn't even bother telling people about my hobby or how much money I've sunk into my watch collection. Most people have that same response; "just buy a Casio or something." or "my cellphone has a clock".

AlderaanDuran  ·  3299 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Car owners of Hubski, what do you drive?

Not on my Outback, but I did have some for the 3.6R. I lease my vehicles, so only having it for 3 years at a time makes it hard to pull the trigger on some pizza cutters and snow tires. But yes, while AWD is great, AWD + Snow Tires is like twice as good.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3299 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: LOL: Mitt Romney Files FEC Paperwork To Run In 2016 Election

And thus ensuing whoever the democratic nomination is wins the white house...

AlderaanDuran  ·  3300 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Car owners of Hubski, what do you drive?

Favorite has varying degrees of reasons. But obviously the 2010 Legacy 3.6R Limited was my fav. That thing was a beast, comfortable, and classy. BUT, not as good in the snow. So the 2.5i 4 cyl models are AWD all the time, all the Subes are, but those are "preferred" 80/20 from a standstill (meaning 80% of the power to the front wheels, 20% to the back). Meaning the majority of the power goes to the front wheels. On the sport models like the 3.6R, the dif is the opposite, so 20/80. So in snow every time I went to start from a stop it would fish tail a tiny bit. It wanted to be a RWD vehicle until the AWD started doing it's thing. Still totally safe and great, just the only negative I noticed. But in non snowy conditions it was basically a RWD sports car. Or "performance sedan" depending on how pedantic you want to be. But that thing could haul fucking ass... what a thrill to drive.

I loved my 2007 2.5i SE Legacy too, great car. I LOVE my Outback probably the most because it's basically got the same cockpit as my old Legacy, lots of bells and whistles, and it rides really smooth and it's great in the snow. It's also a very safe vehicle. I have a wife, and a 19 month old daughter to take care of and the Outback is great. I wish it was a 3.6R outback, but just not worth the extra money for power I really wouldn't use. Maybe on my next one. ;)

I wasn't super impressed with the forester. I didn't like the ride, but I mean look at it. It's kind of a top heavy vehicle subject to body roll, and it's not meant to be fast or perform well. It's one of their cheaper models. Still loved it, but it was my least fav. Lots of room and not bad though. And the price was right at the time.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3301 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Car owners of Hubski, what do you drive?

Nice. I drive a 2015 Outback. Had to sell the Legacy 3.6R when the kiddo came. Needed a cheaper payment and a little more room instead of speed. But living in Minnesota I love my Outback, and so does my wife. She is a stay at home mom now, so we just have one car. She was a huge VW fan and we sold her Passat but told her I wasn't getting anything but a Subaru. Now that she's driven the Outback for awhile she loves it.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3301 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Car owners of Hubski, what do you drive?

If it means anything I'm on my 5th Subaru. I won't drive anything else at this point in my life. I've had a Legacy 2.5i, a Legacy 3.6R, a Forester, and currently driving an 2015 Outback 2.5i. Love it. I live in Minnesota so I really need and enjoy the AWD.

I am the biggest Subaru fan, and I've drank the Kool Aid. Even if I won the lottery I'd still have a Subaru in my garage.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3304 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Astronauts Back Home After A Year In Space : The Two-Way : NPR

The great thing about this, which the article mentions, is astronaut Kelly has a twin who stayed on Earth. So they can literally compare the health results and DNA of two identical people to measure the effects that a year in orbit had on one of them. The medical results that come from that are priceless.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3308 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Watch Repair in Microgravity

I'm a big watch collector, loved this video. No idea why, just neat to see. Thank you for posting.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3314 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 163rd Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

Really dig some of their stuff. "Kanye" is also awesome.

If you like Chain Smokers you might dig Galantis. Similar style, female vocals, thumping chorus, etc. They were a somewhat recent EDM duo I got into.