I think the council was really stupid for not taking the governors offer to turn Belle Isle in to a state park. I think corruption on the city council has impeded the city for years and the population that supports the council must either be complete idiots or corrupt themselves, because they've sown the seeds of all of this. I applaud guys like Illitch and Gilbert for taking the initiative to buy these properties and attempt to capitalize on them. As a citizen of Detroit I would find this encouraging. These guys wouldn't invest in something unless it could be viable, which means they see some hope for the cities future. I think Detroit is ripe with potential opportunities. There are a ton of young entrepreneurs that are fixed on Detroit as the location to start their businesses. I have a friend that did a small tour of the US to scout for areas to open his distillery and he ended up choosing Detroit. I see a continuously brighter future for the Motor City. I really do, it's just going to take a while. It's happening though.