What are the important things? I think the important things are a family that doesn't have to worry about nuclear annihilation, or invading forces. I would be WAY beyond shocked if North Korea were able to attack the US in any meaningful way, but I certainly wouldn't be so sophomoric to welcome it so that people can "care again". I see below that to AlderaanDuran's post you replied "A guy can dream." Well, I would be careful what you wish for my friend. Our country is by no means without it's problems but we are also extremely fortunate as a society. If you want to suffer, nothing is stopping you. Go suffer. I enjoy not having to.I imagine no one would care if I paid back my student debt. People would start caring about the important things again. Imagine not having some report due on your boss' desk by Thursday, or finishing a reading assignment for some gen ed course.
I like you B_C, but are you suggesting that a post apocalyptic scenario with radiation poisoning, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions dead and the destruction of a vast ecosystem would somehow justify not having to turn in your homework or pay for your loans?