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mk  ·  4201 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Supervolcanoes in the Ancient World

Thanks for the shoutout.

I wonder if a VEI-8 eruption is something that we can reasonably plan for. For example, when the Yellowstone caldera blows again the US will cease to exist as we know it, and the effects of the ash-cloud upon global food production would cause starvation across the globe. Perhaps we don't plan because there is no effective plan to be had?

I think it's worth mentioning that ground water would still be drinkable, however.

There were a few weeks a couple of years ago where there was an increase in earthquake activity under Yellowstone Lake. At that time, I considered what would be a reasonable plan of action here in Michigan.

I just learned this from Wikipedia:

    The volcanic eruptions, as well as the continuing geothermal activity, are a result of a great cove of magma located below the caldera's surface. The magma in this cove contains gases that are kept dissolved only by the immense pressure that the magma is under. If the pressure is released to a sufficient degree by some geological shift, then some of the gases bubble out and cause the magma to expand. This can cause a runaway reaction. If the expansion results in further relief of pressure, for example, by blowing crust material off the top of the chamber, the result is a very large gas explosion.

I always imagined that it was simply a matter of pressure building to a breaking point. I didn't know there was a catalyst component.