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ecib  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: White pride in my classroom - Salon.com

I have to say I think I'm pretty intolerant of intolerance. If I can see a glimmer of an open mind that's enough for me to be pragmatic and explanatory in most cases, but to a point. When the bigotry of others is actively harming people in pragmatic real life situations I'm not above letting them know what I think of them in less than flattering terms. As with anything, you have to know your audience and tailor the most effective message to attain your goals based on that, and i do think that a carrot and not a stick works best in most cases, but I've seen plenty of situations where I'd lose no sleep calling a bigot a bigot. Some donkeys just aren't hungry.