I'd like to think that my response would be the same no matter the situation, but I couldn't say unless the situation presented itself. Funny you posted this because yesterday I worked for maybe 30 minutes on a post with comparative photos of young men in groups walking down the street. One photo was black kids and the other white. All of them were dressed similarly and I asked "would you be more frightened of one group than the other?" I was going to do the same with a photo of a muslim on a plane dressed in traditional garb and then a guy same age dressed in more "western" clothing and ask "who would you prefer to sit by?" It didnt turn out well though so I nixed it. This video is exactly what I was aiming to ask though. I thought the cute blonde at the end was a bit of a curve ball, but then it's true that attractive people can get away with more than ugly people. Sad, but true.