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thenewgreen  ·  4154 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How people read online: Why you won’t finish this article.

I go to "chatter" a lot and I go to the first global page quite a bit to see new posts with no votes. If there's an interesting post that doesn't have a comment and I feel like I have something to say or wish to give it acknowledgment beyond a "share," I will comment. Sometimes, literally just to say "wow, that was amazing" or something similar, which doesn't necessarily spark amazing conversation but sometimes I genuinely think something is amazing and have to say so.

I look in chatter for conversations that are happening and will only join in if I have something to ad. If I read something that I have a question about, I'll post that. I tend to shout-out to people when I know they'll have an answer to a question that someone else has posed. For example. I also will leave links to past posts/comments in my comments. I spend a lot of time here and have a catalog of past posts and conversations kicking around in my head and I like for others to see some of the cool things that have happened in the past. For example, remember when I posted the link to caio's post My name is Harvey Pekar to your post?

So I skim the feed both for things I want to read, conversations I'd like to join and places where I can link to past posts/comments that may be relevant.

It's fun. Lots of fun.